Public schools cannot charge tuition. They are funded through federal, state and local taxes. When you pay your taxes, you are paying for your child's education and the education of other children in your community.公立学校是不收学费的.但是国内的交流项目收取大概10万左右人民币作为服务费用.学生拿到1年的J-1签证.1年之后必须回国.而可选择的学校面非常窄.由于中美两国教育体制并不完全衔接,所以学生回国后反而面临诸多困难.
Private schools cost money. Private schools do not receive tax revenues, but instead are funded through tuition, fundraising, donations and private grants. According to the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), the median tuition for their member private day schools in 2005-2006 in the United States was close to $14,000 for grades 1 to 3, $15,000 for grades 6 to 8 and $16,600 for grades 9 to 12. The median tuition for their member boarding schools was close to $29,000 for grades 1 to 3, $32,000 for grades 6 to 12. Note that of the 28,384 private schools in the United States, about 1,058 are affiliated with NAIS. The Digest of Education Statistics 2005 from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports that for the 1999-2000 school year, the average private school tuition was about $4,700. 2005-2006年私立中学6-12年级(小学6年级到高三)年平均学费在$32,000.从07年开始,在北京樱知叶办理留学的学生年龄小到13岁大到17岁,大部分家长不在意学校的费用,更在意学校的排名\录取率\AP课程\入学考试要求\SAT平均分.虽然美国中学留学这个市场还处于培育阶段,但我们的家长通过各种渠道对美国私立寄宿中学的理解可以说是在不断的加深.对大部分中国学生而言,除了基本的学费以外,可能还要申请ESL语言课程,每学年可能要另加2000--5000美金不等.这里特别要说明的是,美国私立中学收取国际学生学费和本土学生是一样的.所以仅仅能付得起学费不是入学的唯一保障.学校对国际学生收取的申请费50-200美金不等.