Public schools must follow all federal, state and local laws in educating children. Such laws usually include specifics about funding, program development and curriculum.公立学校根据联邦或者州法律管理学校.
Private schools are not subject to as many state and federal regulations as public schools. Since private schools are funded independently, they are not subject to the limitations of state education budgets and have more freedom in designing curriculum and instruction.私立学校管理模式自由.还可以根据需求自行设置课程.
Public schools offer a general program, designed for all children, which usually includes math, English, reading, writing, science, history and physical education. In addition to these key subjects, many public schools offer programs in music and art. In a public school, the substance of what children learn is mandated by the state and learning is measured through state standardized tests.公立学校提供常规课程.
NOTE: The charter school movement is picking up momentum in many states; these schools are public, but many offer specialized programs and smaller classes.
Private schools have the flexibility to create a specialized program for students. For example, private schools may use art or science in all classes, or take children on extended outdoor trips that blend lessons across the curriculum. Private schools can create their own curriculum and assessment systems, although many also choose to use standardized tests.私立学校课程种类丰富多样,还可以根据学生特点定制创新课程.通常一所私立中学提供的课程种类涵盖几十个类别二三百门课程.为孩子德智体美劳的全面发展提供最大的平台.例如女校的艺术课程\马术课程\礼仪课程非常流行和受欢迎.