

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月20日 11:51   新浪教育


  * Berea University of Graduate Studies

  * Daehan Theological Seminary

  * Gospel Theological Seminary

  * Hapdong Theological Seminary

  * Information and Communication University

  * International Design School For Advanced Studies

  * Jungang Graduate School of Theology

  * KDI School of International Policy and Management

  * Kukje Theological University and Seminary

  * Kyeyak Graduate School of Theology

  * Seoul Bible Graduate School of Theology

  * Sungsan Hyodo University of Graduate Studies

  * Seoul Sports Graduate School

  * Transnational Law & Business University

  * Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology

  * Westminster Graduate School of Theology

  * Won Buddhism Graduate School

  * Yeail Thological Seminary


  * Ajou University

  * Andong National University

  * Anyang University

  * Asia United Theological University

  * Busan National University of Education

  * Busan Presbyterian Theological College & Seminary

  * Calvin University

  * Catholic University of Daegu

  * Catholic University of Pusan

  * Changwon Nationao University

  * Cheju National University

  * Cheju National University of Education

  * Chinju National University of Education

  * Chodang University

  * Chonan University

  * Chonbuk National University

  * Chonbuk National University of Education

  * Chongju University

  * Chongshin University

  * Chonnam National University

  * Chosun University

  * Chugye University for Arts

  * Chunchen National University of Education

  * Chung-Ang University

  * Chungbuk National University

  * Chungju National University

  * Chungnam National University

  * Chungwoon University

  * College of Medicine,Pochon Cha University

  * Daebul University

  * Daegu Haany University(2003年以前为Kyungsan University)

  * Daegu National University of Education

  * Daegu University

  * Daejeon University

  * Dae Jin University

  * Dan Kook University

  * Dong-A University

  * Dongduk Women’s University

  * Dong-eui University

  * Dongguk University

  * Donghae University

  * Dongseo University

  * Dongshin University

  * Dongyang University

  * Duksung Women’s University

  * Eulji University Scool of Medicine

  * Ewha Womans University

  * Far East University

  * Gachon Medical Shool

  * Gongju National University of Education

  * Gyeongsang National University



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