新浪教育 > 留学出国 > 教育部批准境外正规高校名单 > 正文
教育咨询界资深人士涂攀近日撰写博文表示,留学学历纠纷不断,给予社会的反思很多,留学生要从中学会如何鉴别美国的 “野鸡”大学。
·Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools(http://www.msache.org)
·New England Association of Schools and Colleges(http://www.neasc.org)
·Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities(NASC)(http://nwccu.org)
·North Central Association of Colleges and Schools(www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org)
·Western Association of Schools and Colleges(http://www.wascweb.org)
·Southern Association of Colleges and Schools(SACS)(http://www.sacscoc.org)
·商科:Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
·工科:Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
·法律专业:American Bar Association
·教育专业:National Association for the Education of Young Children
·建筑专业:The National Architectural Accrediting Board
·园林设计专业:American Society of Landscape Architects,Landscape Architectural Accredi- tation Board
·传媒专业:The Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communica- tions
·室内设计专业:Council for Interior Design Accreditation
一般美国大学网址都以edu结尾,如 www.harvard.edu,如果遇到大学是以.com结尾,很显然不是得到主流社会认可的大学。(记者:黄玉杰)