
Accident and Incident: 两词区别

看书时发现 incident 与 accident 意思差不多,但究竟它们在用法上有什么区别呢,两个可以互换吗?

Zoe, Kunming

Have you ever used the words accident or accidentally? Have you come across the words incident or incidentally?

A bit confused? Well this programme aims to answer a question from Zoe and explain the meaning and some basic uses of the words accident and accidentally and incident and incidentally.

They may look and sound similar but they have very different meanings. Can you tell what the difference is in these sentences?

I can see why they are tightening the rules for driving as there are so many traffic accidents nowadays.

A bus crash

Nobody was hurt in the bus accident.

An error in the translation nearly caused a diplomatic incident.

Listen to the programme to find out. You will also hear lots more examples and Chinese explanations from Kate and Yang Li.

杨莉和 Kate Colin 将通过大量例句来讲解 accident 和 incident 的基本用法以及相关常用短语。

If you have a question you would like to ask our team, email us at questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk. We might produce a programme about your question.

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