
Expect 的多种用法

I know the word expect has many different meanings and I have met many sentences in which the meanings of the word are all different. And I'm also very confused about the phrase 'be expected to'.

Tom Zhou

In this programme, Yang Li and William answer a question from Tom Zhou about the word 'expect'.

It is a verb that some language learners misunderstand slightly. It does not mean the same as 'to hope' but its meaning does vary slightly. Look at the sentences below and observe how it is being used in different situations:

How many people are we expecting?

I'm half-expecting to hear from the local radio station!

You are expected to be at your desk by 9.30 every day.

A: I'm expecting!

B: Congratulations! When's it due?

A pregnant woman

I'm expecting!

Listen to the programme to hear these examples explained.

Do you have a question about English language or vocabulary? Why not write to us at questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk? We might make a programme about your question too.

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