
To and For 两个介词的区别

I want to ask the difference between 'to' and 'for'. For example: Water is important to us. Water is important for China. I want to know what the difference is between the two sentences. Thank you.

Supermother, China

Before listening to the programme, why not do a small test and fill in the following sentences with 'to' and 'for'?

What about buying some nice ice cream __ dinner!

That sounds like a great idea ___ me.

Too much ice cream is bad ___ your health.

I've prepared a small gift ___ her.

A man giving a woman some flowers

Listen to the programme. You will not only find the right answers but also learn some difference usages of to and for.

To 和 for 这两个看似简单的介词,有时会让人太头疼。It's difficult for us? Or it's difficult to us? 在今天的节目中,王飞和William 将为大家讲一讲 to 和 for 的区别。
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