
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月06日 11:12   新东方


  1) “Happy birthday to you” sung in Italian


  (catch, discover, feel, find, get, have, hear, keep, leave, make, notice, see, watch等动词常用分词形式作宾语补语)

  2) parked in the fire lane


  3) killing thousands upon thousands of people


  4) raising the average yield by 15 percent


  5) trying to deduce its operating principle


  6) Seeing that everyone was bending over his/her book


  7) Deeply moved by the boy’s deeds


  8) Seen from the eyes of a young friend


  9) Not having heard from his parents for a long time

  (考点:1. 分词作原因状语;2.分词的否定形式;3.现在分词的完成式)


  1) Taking a cold bath every day


  2) making their daughter do what she didn’t like to do


  (下列动词后的宾语只能是动名词而不能是不定式:admit, advise, allow, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, delay, deny, dislike, dread, encourage, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, can’t help, imagine, keep, mind, miss, permit, postpone, practice, prevent, propose, recall, recollect, resent, resist, risk, can’t stand, stop, suggest)

  3) getting our goods into the international market


  4) crying over spilled milk

  (考点:动名词用于固定结构。动名词经常与以下词组连用:be worth, have difficulty (in), it be no good/use/worthwhile, there be no need/no point in, how/what about, what’s the point of, what’s the use of)

  5) having peeked at his neighbor’s test paper


  6) being promoted to manager



  1) working very hard.


  2) to drive there, but his car broke down


  (类似需要区别的动词还有forget, remember, regret, go on, stop等)

  3) talking to his mother


  4) talk to his mother for an hour


  5) only to break his own leg


  6) breaking his legs


  7) to see his parents in good health


  8) Seeing his parents safe and sound


  9) Following its footprints


  10) followed by two body guards



  1) Why they left their hometown for Yunnan


  2) What confused me most


  3) That this was done on purpose


  4) who should be responsible for this matter


  5) whom Mary is engaged to


  6) what can be done today


  7) what I have been looking for


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