

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年10月28日 15:43   新浪教育

  3. 试用解释性语句


  He is a dumb. = He is a person who can not speak.

  He refused. = He said “no”.

  I‘ve never seen such a stubborn person. = I’ve never seen such a person who never listens to other‘s advice.



  Examination is a common headache to students all over the world. They all detest is, but all being domineered by it. It represents a trial; the grade its verdict.

  Nowadays, examination has become a popular form of testing. It almost can dominate one‘s future. I am not exaggerating; for you all know it is true. If we want to obtain a diploma, we must first pass the exams. If we do not have a diploma, we may not find a job easily. That is the reason why all students are nervous and pale when they are sitting for an important examination which may concern their future.

  But as long as examination is on its peak of power, we must be philosophical of it. Do not always think of the harm that it brings, but think of the good it may do to us. If we do not have exams, we may indulge ourselves in other things instead of books. Exams have to always drive us on. What is wrong for learning more and thoroughly?


  Examination is a common headache to students all over the world. They all dislike it (hate it), but all being ruled by it. It is a trial; the grade its decision.

  Nowadays, examination has become a popular form of testing. It almost can control one‘s future. I am telling the truth, for you all know it is true. If we want to get a graduation paper, we may not find a job easily. That is the reason why all students are nervous and pale when they are sitting for an important examination which may have something to do with their future.

  But as long as examination is on its highest point of power, we must have a calm attitude to it. Do not always think of the harm that it brings, but think of the good it may do to us. If we do not have exams, we may spend our time on other things instead of books. Exams have to always drive us on. What is wrong for learning more and deeply?



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