

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月18日 11:41   昂立教育
主语错误 谓语错误 冠词错误 代词错误
形容词、副词错误 分词误用 修饰语误置 垂悬修饰语
平行错误 搭配错误 破句  


  1. 多重谓语

  1)In our modern society, there are many examples around us show that many people are cheated.

  In our modern society, many examples around us show that many people are cheated. / A large number of people have fallen victim to various tricks.

  2)Poverty makes many people can’t study abroad.

  Poverty makes many people unable to study abroad. / Poverty makes it impossible for many people to study abroad. / Poverty prevents many people from studying abroad. / Many people can’t study abroad because of poverty.

  2. 非动词谓语

  1)Some people firmly agree, but others against it.

  Some people firmly agree, but others are against it.

  2)It is said that the place worths touring.

  It is said that the place is worth touring.

  3. 主谓不一致

  1)I have to visit the teacher who teach me College English.

  I have to visit the teacher who teaches me College English.

  2)I use a disk because it hold plenty of data.

  I use a disk because it holds plenty of data..

  4. 误用词组

  1)They insist on post-graduate study is very important for them.

  They insist that post-graduate study is very important for them.

  2)I am afraid of that it’s going to rain.

  I am afraid that it’s going to rain.

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