

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月22日 09:59   新东方


  11. A) He is quite easy to recognize.

  12. C) Continue her dancing class.

  13. D) The woman may not have followed the doctor’s instructions.

  14. C) They no longer suit his eyesight.

  15. D) He rushed out of the bath to answer the phone.

  16. D) Assembling the bookcase.

  17. A) Urge Jenny to spend more time on study.

  18. C) The local people feel insecure about the dam.

  19. B) Its production and sales reached record levels.

  20. A) They cost less.

  21. C) It is bound to revive.

  22. A) Organising protests.

  23. C) Anti-nuclear campaigns.

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