

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月22日 09:59   新东方

  24. A) By harassing them.

  25. D) Supportive.

  26. B) The air pressure is low.

  27. C) People knew long ago how to predict the weather.

  28. B) People can predict the weather by their senses.

  29. D) They feel burdened with numerous tasks every day.

  30. B) Draw a detailed to-do list.

  31. A) They have accomplished little.

  32. A) Their performance may improve.

  33. B) Increased susceptibility to disease.

  34. D) Pay more attention to bodily sensations.

  35. C) The relationship between stress and illness.

  36 appearance

  37 symbol

  38 decades

  39 exported

  40 apparent

  41 percentage

  42 combination

  43 convenient

  44 Our air quality now suffers from the effects of pollutants emitted directly from our cars.

  45 The problems caused by motorized vehicles in the West are often magnified in developing nations.

  46Movement in some cities comes to a virtual standstill as motorized traffic competes with bicycles and pedestrians.

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