
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:22   北京安通学校

  9. otherwise(否则)

  She was in a hurry that morning. Otherwise she would have stopped to talk with you.

  Youd better take more exercise, otherwise youll get fat.

  10. either …or(或者……或者)

  You can come either today or tomorrow.

  You may either stay here or go with me.

  11. neither, nor, neither…nor

  I dont know the answer, neither/nor does she.


  She couldnt speak German, neither/nor could anyone else in the class.

  I dont want to do it, nor do I want you to do it.

  She could neither speak English nor write it.

  We work neither for fame nor for personal gains.

  We neither know nor care what has happened.

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