
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:22   北京安通学校

  12. both…and (两者都)

  Shes looking for opportunities both here and abroad.

  (opportunity 机会)

  The prospects both excited and worried me.

  13. not only … but also(不但……而且)

  not only … but also连接的句子成分一定要一致

  The boy not only lost the money but also came close to losing his life.

  He is like his mother not only in appearance but also in character.(not only+介词+名词,but also+介词+名词)

  14. as well as(也怎么样)

  We have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays.

  The kind man gave me some advice as well as some money.

  15. nevertheless(然而)

  She has failed many times, nevertheless she is confident she will succeed in the end.

  16. therefore(因此)

  Youre in the right, therefore we should support you.

  17. hence(因此)

  The word is an uncountable noun and is used in a general sense, hence(therefore) it takes no article.

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