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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.3

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/27 16:40  新浪教育

  N: how did your father handle it?

  B: it was very difficult for my father, very difficult, for my father, u know, been the son of somebody for almost 50 years, and , it was devastating to him, u know, my father loves his father, even my grandfather didn’t know any words, any(我爷爷不识字)

  N: he didn’t know any words?

  B: my grandfather never been in school, spend his whole life in the countryside, and die in the countryside, that’s it, but he has huge intelligence(我爷爷从来没有上过学,生在农村,死在农村,但他很睿智).

  N: I can see that from u, brian

  B: what?

  N: intelligence

  B: J

  N: it could be in the genes.【注】遗传的因素在起作用。your father did have it, and so do u now.

  B: I am not the sort of man, but my brother is.

  N: he was how much older?(他大你几岁【注】这句话是不是和中文的结构很相似?)

  B: he was four years older. My brother is that much older than me that I wasn't really like -- it wasn't -- it was almost like being an only child.(我哥哥大我四岁,以至于我感觉到自己是个独生子)

  N: u were brothers

  B: we were definitely brothers, and friends

  N: how explain

  B: I confide in him, whenever I make any decisions, any big decisions, I need to talk to him and u know, a lot of cases show that he is always right , for me, a bit for the extreme, and I don’t want to regret for my decision, so he is my best friend.


  N: your only friend?

  B: no, but he is close to me, he is very careful in the way he live in his life, I am not.(他对他的生活非常仔细,而我不是的)

  N: more intense than a friend.【注】intense这个词几乎都有面熟的感觉,但总是很少用到它,表示强烈的,剧烈的,热情的,这句话指的是:你们兄弟关系比朋友更重要

  B: it’s blood【注】血肉之情, You know. And I think brothers know things about each other that people -- other people-- you know, that other friends and parents don't know. So I think it's a relationship that can be incredibly powerful, u know?

  N: yes, I know

  B: and , for, in every family, brothers have roles, and u know, he played the good boy, and I was a rebel.(他从小家里是很乖的孩子,而我自己一直是个叛逆者)

  N: it’s a very complicated relationship

  B: yes, I think brothers are complicated relationships, but we are close, and we shared things even my girlfriend didn’t know.

  N: some of the things that only your brother knew?

  B: yes.

  N: hmm

  B: means what

  N: :)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.6(2002/03/15/ 10:41)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.7(2002/03/15/ 10:40)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.8(2002/03/15/ 10:38)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.2(2002/03/13/ 14:22)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.3(2002/03/13/ 14:21)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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