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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.2

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/27 16:41  新浪教育

  B: did he die of natural causes?

  N: No. He had a–surgery, heart attack surgery(心脏病手术) and -- or ten year ago, rather–September, yes. And he had complicate -- I actually went to see him.

  B: u went to see him , your grandfather, after he got the surgery?

  N: yes, u know, at that time, he just came out of it fine(手术结果非常不错).

  B: in the hospital?

  N: yes, in the hospital, and I was in the room with him.

  B: and then? Something wrong?

  N: he had a -- one of the sutures(缝合用的线) broke inside the heart, the valve(阀). And I was in the room with him, and I knew at that moment that he was gone(我陪在他身边,在那一刻我知道他离我而去了).

  B: u saw him die(你看见他离去的)

  N: basically, he lived for another two days, but he was clinically dead.(实际上他的生命有维持了两天,但从医学角度他已经去世了)

  B: u must cry

  N: yes, I cried, when I understand that moment he was gone, I rushed out the room and had doctors.

  B: but it’s useless, if only the suture is fine, he might have lived till now(如果缝合的线没有问题的话,他也许可以活到现在).

  N: yes, but the doctors were ok, they were doing what they can , and all of my family were grateful.

  B: that was a tough blow for u , right?(对你来说一定是个沉重的打击吧)

  N: yes, it was very tough blow for me, how about your grandfather, is he alive?

  B: no, he died too

  N: my turn to say sorry now(该轮到我说对不起了)

  B: no, it’s not necessary , my grandfather had been sick all the time, so when he died it was more expected, but I really mourned him, very much.(不,你不必说对不起的,我的爷爷一直体弱多病,所以去世的时候也是一种解脱,但我还是很怀念他)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.3(2002/03/27/ 16:40)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.6(2002/03/15/ 10:41)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.7(2002/03/15/ 10:40)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.8(2002/03/15/ 10:38)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.2(2002/03/13/ 14:22)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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