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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.4

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/29 18:02  新浪教育

  N: I fell sadly in love with my boyfriend, the film developer.(爱上那个扩印师真是我的悲哀)

  B: did u see him recently?

  N: no, we haven’t seen each other for about half a year

  B: never, ever miss him?

  N: no

  B: :)

  N: and this is my biggest change

  B: congratulations!

  N: thnx!

  B: welcome

  N: what about your college mates?

  B: we went our separate ways after graduation, it made me sad, really(毕业后我们就各奔东西了,这让我很难过)

  N: no contact?

  B: I did have contacted some of them, but everyone has his own cycle, and we have no chance to meet and talk often, so as time goes by, we lose contact gradually.(我联系过一些同学,但人人都有自己的生活圈子,又没有机会见面和交谈,所以也就逐渐失去了联系)

  N: u will do just fine, brian

  B: yes, I try to believe that everyone is this world is the same, they have happiness , just like the difficulty as well, I think everybody has stuff in their life that is difficult to deal with.

  N: they really do.

  B: u know , my brother’s mentor is an academician(我哥哥的导师是个院士), there are only 1000 academicians in China, he is one, and he used to live in NYC for some time, and found out that drug abuse can be see very usual in America.(导师在纽约住过一段时间,发觉毒品滥用的很厉害)

  N: probably he is right, a lot of people, especially the teens get increasingly addicted to drug.【注】be addicted to,上瘾

  B: so u mean what the mentor saw is true?

  N: ammm, probably yes

  B: what about u , nikky?

  N: me?

  B: don’t get me wrong, I know u are alright.(不要误会我,我知道你跟毒品没关系)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.5(2002/03/29/ 18:00)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.1(2002/03/27/ 16:44)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.2(2002/03/27/ 16:41)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.3(2002/03/27/ 16:40)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§8.6(2002/03/15/ 10:41)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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