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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.6

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/01 14:30  新浪教育

  N: no, I am saying the truth. I am listening a song here now. (我在听一首歌)

  B: name

  N:“December”, u heard of it? (“十二月”,有没有听过)

  B: no

  N: the“December”is so strong in that way. It brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face at the same time, OW.

  B: sound incredible

  N: and I love Kenny, I wonderswhereshis songs come from himself, it’s almost like a memory from another time.

  B: his soul- memories? (他的灵魂深处的记忆?)

  N: yes, when he sing, it sounds like my insides J

  B: I’d like to download this song somewhere or buy his CD (我想下载这首歌或者是到哪买他的CD)

  N: he’s great, he does care what his listeners think.(他很棒,而且很注意听取歌迷的意见)

  B: that’s unusual, that’s contrary to popular belief.

  N: constantly

  B: is he a cool man?

  N: very cool, he got all his different haircuts over the last 25 years , that’s funny. (他非常酷,过去25年中他有过各种不同的发型)

  B: like a former NBA player. (就像那个NBA的运动员一样)

  N: yes, and I like his haircut for the“Back to Avalon”album.

  B: life is a collections of stages—u like each of his stages. (生活是不同时期的积累—你喜欢他的每个时期)

  N: he has been such an incredible inspiration in my life, and I cannot thank him enough.(他在我的生活中产生的动力很大,我非常感激他)

  B: u mean u always get moved by him, by his song?

  N: oh, if it can get it to move me….it usually moves others, and I think he is great, he tried to nail down exactly what he’s feeling in one moment in time.

  B: that doesn’t come easily to a lot of people(这不是寻常人办得到的)

  N: yes, that’s his gift, true…

  B: u make me want to know him instantly

  N: u can count on it!

  B: I know, nikky, u never made me down.


  N: that is great to hear.

  B: just like your Heather

  N: oh, wow, he’s so adorable.(它很讨人喜爱)

  B: aww!

英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.4(2002/03/29/ 18:02)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.5(2002/03/29/ 18:00)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.1(2002/03/27/ 16:44)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.2(2002/03/27/ 16:41)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.3(2002/03/27/ 16:40)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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