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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.7

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/08 18:17  新浪教育

  N: u know, I still remember the time that she took her first steps….and I was lucky enough to be home to see it

  B: little Heather needs her MaMa.

  N: and , I was the only one to see it.

  B: that’s beautiful, really beautiful

  N: yes, by then I will generate tons of energy for that. (是的,想起这我就产生很多能量)

  B: tons of energy for what? hehehehe

  N: oh, for a mom, something like that

  B: u will be

  N: we will be there too

  B: :)

  N: wait a moment

  B: ok


  N: I am wrestling with Heather to keep her from eating the oak floor(我在阻止Heather咬橡木版)

  B: awww

  B: that’s why u keep a pet for, right?

  N: that’s why i keep a pet for, true.

  B: J

  B: sometimes I really believe u want to learn Chinese from me, but that is how naïve I was.【注】how naïve I was!我是多么天真呀!

  N: J, I like Chinese and China, even I never been there before, but you know, my ex-boyfriend, the film developer, he traveled around the China and took a lot of photos, including the Tibet

  B: really? So much to talk about , so little time

  N: oh,swheresare u going

  B: one of my college mate is coming, I need to pick him up at the airport, may we have a long talk next time?

  N: why not?

  B: :)B: bye, good day!

英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.6(2002/04/01/ 14:30)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.4(2002/03/29/ 18:02)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.5(2002/03/29/ 18:00)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.1(2002/03/27/ 16:44)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§9.2(2002/03/27/ 16:41)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(二) 专题



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