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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(三) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§13.3

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/21 16:06  新浪教育

  Brian: but, my college mate, she got a long process of rejections(拒绝), no company was likely to accept her , I mean every 1000 resumes received by employers, only 10 persons were taken on.


  Nikky: don't rely on (相信,依靠)job ads

  Brian: yeah, but she doesn't have anything to rely on but the job ads, and the worst thing is she doesn't have any job experience which most companies need most nowadays


  Nikky: just try to find those who need the new graduates (试试那些招收应届毕业生的单位)

  Nikky: and go to the places she'd like to work and talk to the people who have the power to hire her, not just the personnel or human resource office .(人力资源部)


  Brian: I agree with u there, but it's hard for her to come to know and talk those who have the power to hire her, every company has a HR office, that's what they are doing for, it's a rule(这是规矩).

  Nikky: try the small companies(试试那些小公司)

  Brian: she tried all of the small companies, but no results

  Nikky: sorry to hear that, what does she want to work for, any specialties? (有特长么?)

  Brian: the biggest specialty of her is no specialties. (她最大的特长就是没有特长)


  Nikky: maybe she should be flexible, think about all the possible kinds of work she would enjoy and settle on more than one target company

  Brian: she send out 50 resumes in 2 days without any answer

  Nikky: what about the career planning office at the college?

  Brian: u know, nikky , in our school, no students like to turn to the career planning office(Nikky指的是像我们大学里的大学生就业指导中心之类的部门), that's equal to joblessness.

英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.4(2002/06/07/ 15:11)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.5(2002/06/07/ 15:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.3(2002/06/03/ 15:35)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.1(2002/05/31/ 14:29)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.2(2002/05/31/ 14:28)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(三) 专题



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