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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(三) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.1

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/31 14:29  新浪教育

  Nikky: hi, brian

  Brian: see u again

  Nikky: what's up?

  Brian: nothing particular happened(没有什么特别的事情发生)

  what were u doing before online?

  Nikky: I got many many things done before coming online, the reports(报告), and chores(家务杂事) at home, a lot of things to do

  Brian: u finished?

  Nikky: yes, so we can have a good talk again

  Brian: :), but how do u unwind(舒展,放松) amidst(介词:在…之中) these chores of your daily busy life?

  Nikky: u really want to know that?

  Brian: yes, just tell me.

  Nikky: I unwind by playing with my heather at night and listen to music---- I have a huge CD collection(我收藏了很多CD唱片). I actually feel most comfortable in the record store

  Brian: COOL, know any Chinese singer? (知道中国歌手的名字么?)

  Nikky: no,:)

  Brian: that's understandable(可以理解)

  Nikky: and how is ur college mate? Did she find a job?

  Brian: no, she went back to Changchun the day before yesterday, depressed. (她前天回长春了,失望而归)

  Nikky: u r a good comfort her. (你可以安慰她呀!)

  Brian: I comfort her, who comforts me?

  【注】看到这里,一定有人会说,这不是我们典型的中国式英语么(我安慰她了,哪谁安慰我呢?)。美国第一夫人劳拉.布什在接受美国有线新闻网络记者采访时就被问到:(you comfort him, who comforts you?/你安慰他(指布什),那谁来安慰你呢?)

  Nikky: maybe she should never let anyone discourage herself, besides, create her own stuff(创造属于她自己的东西), don't wait for others to give it to her(不要等待别人来主动给予)

  Brian: she couldn't even think about it, I mean---

  Nikky: try everything she could

  Brian: try everything she could, no offer could get from any company(没有能从任何一家公司拿到offer ), and what about u, nikky, any new projects u in ur work? (你呢,nikkky?手头有什么新的事情做?)

  Nikky: I just completed my reports and so I'm taking a little time off right now-----which is just another way of saying that I need talk to u

  Brian: me too

英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.4(2002/06/07/ 15:11)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.5(2002/06/07/ 15:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.3(2002/06/03/ 15:35)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§14.2(2002/05/31/ 14:28)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§13.4(2002/05/23/ 14:32)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(三) 专题



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