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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 无厘头英语 > 约会洋妞:我的“电子女朋友”(连载十)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/11 13:34  新浪教育

  Anne : Hi, dear! I am back. That melody is good. Very chinese traditional.. I love it. I will instrument it. (嗨!亲爱的,我回来了,你的曲子旋律真的很好,非常具有中国传统,我喜欢,我会为它配器。)

  Benidick : Thx, That's 4 U! (谢谢!是为你的。)

  Anne : That's ours! (是我们的!)

  Benidick :Have u heard Chinese traditional music before? (你以前听过中国的传统音乐么?)

  Anne : Yes. Wonderful. And I love most of all Chinese traditional stuff. (是的,很不错,我喜欢很多中国传统的东西。)

  Benidick : 4eg... (比如、、、)

  Anne : music, kongfu, language, calligraphy... (音乐、武术、语言、书法、、、)


  Benidick : Kongfu, We also call it Wushu. (功夫,我们也叫武术。)

  Anne : Yep, I know that. (是的,我知道。)

  Benidick : I practiced when I was a Child. (我小时候练过。)

  Anne : Wow! Really ?! (哇!是么?!)

  Benidick : yes.I was trained Changquan. You know that? (我练过长拳。你知道么?)

  Anne : Ardunno.(我不知道,这是澳大利亚人说的I DON'T KNOW)

  Benidick : There are several dozen types of barehanded wushu exercises. It's one of them.(武术里有很多种徒手功夫,这是一种。)

  Anne : OIC.and I konw some wepons.(哦,我知道了,我知道一些兵刃。)

  Benidick : yes.broad sword, spear, double-edged sword, club...(是的,比如:刀、枪、剑、棍、、、)

  Anne : and chopsticks? Ha ha! (还有筷子?哈哈!)

  Benidick : Can you use them? (你会用筷子?)

  Anne : Emmmm... years ago, a chinese friend taught me how to use them. But it's too hard to me.(恩,几年前,有一个中国朋友教过我,但我觉得太难了。)

  Benidick : Yes, I think it's difficult for western.(是的,我觉得对西方人来说是有点儿难。)

  Anne : It's not the most. Characters is the most difficult.(不是最难的,最难的是中文字。)

  Benidick : haha, yes, I agree.(哈哈,我同意。)

  Anne : please receive a file... (你收个文件、、、)

  Benidick : OK! (好的!)

  Anne : Tell me what is this: (告诉我这是什么。)

  Benidick : ChiLu Hotel. An hotel in ShanDong provence. (齐鲁宾馆,一家山东的饭店。)

  Anne : Ah ha! (啊哈!)

  Benidick :swhereshave you got it? (你哪儿看到这个的?)

  Anne : My bf before, he traveled in China last year. He gave me a comb as a gift when he was back. I drew this according the image on the comb. (我过去的男朋友,他去年到中国去旅游,回来的时候给我一把梳子作礼物,我照着上面的图案画下来的。)

  Benidick : I think he lived in that hotel. (我想他在那里住过。)

  Anne : I think so. But he told me that image is a famous brand in China.(我也是这么想的,可他告诉我说这是中国的名牌儿梳子。)

  Benidick : Oh... no. (哦,不会吧?!)

  Anne : I hate him.(我讨厌他!)

  Benidick : Why you say bf before? (你为什么说男朋友是过去的)

  Anne : we parted from last month. (上个月我们分手了。)

  Benidick : Have got a new one? (有新的了?)

  Anne : Emmmm, No. how about you? (恩,没有,你呢?)

  Benidick : I am single, I have no real gf, I only have an E-gf, that is you. :) (我孤身一人,没现实生活中的女朋友,只有一个电子女朋友,就是你!)

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约会洋妞:美眉长得什么样子呢?(连载八)(2002/07/09/ 14:19)
约会洋妞:以“凡高旋律”的名义(连载七)(2002/07/08/ 13:21)
约会洋妞:聊天也有“小板斧”(连载五)(2002/07/04/ 14:32)
约会洋妞:玩个游戏“捉迷藏”(连载四)(2002/07/03/ 13:52)
无厘头英语 专题



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