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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 360全角英语 > 细说put(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/05 11:14  世博英语


  Put somebody down

  (1)to control; defeat控制,击败

  举例:put down the opposition击败对方

  (2)informal to make feel humble(非正式)使自惭不如;贬低

  例句:She really put him down when she called him lazy.当她说他懒惰时,她确实把他贬低了。

  (3)to pay (an amount) as part of the cost of something with a promise to pay the rest over a period of time付(一定数量)作为定金,也就相当于down payment

  put somebody down for something,


  put something down to something,归因于。

  例句:I put this bad temper down to his recent illness/to having had an unhappy childhood.我认为他脾气坏是因为他最近生病/童年不幸的缘故。

  Put somebody/ something forward

  (1)to offer提出。

  例句:May I put your name forward as a possible chairman of the committee?我能否提名你为委员会主席?

  (2)to cause to show a later time拨快(时间)

  举例:put the clocks forward将时钟拨快

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