Brian: hi, how r u.
Nikky: sorry, I couldn't contact u last time, so I went off.(上次联系不到你了,所以就下线了)
Brian: neither did I, :(
Nikky: :(
Brian: what r u doing now?
Nikky: I pick up an album.
Brian: what album?
Nikky: Rock Hudson, u know this guy?
Brian: no, never heard of, tell me about his story.
【注】story用途很多,尤其是在口语中,不一定要翻译成"故事",比如:tell me about your story/告诉我一些你的情况.
Nikky: I like his records, he is a gay.
Brian: gay?
Nikky: yes.
Brian: how old is he?
Nikky: he passed away(去世)decades ago.
Brian: for what?
Nikky: aids.
Brian: so it's his old records.
Nikky: right.
Brian: he should have taken the Condom(避孕套).
Nikky: most Americans don’t like the Condoms.
Brian: why?
Nikky:cause people will fell better without them.(不带避孕套,感觉要更好一些吧.)