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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 理察-基尔访谈6

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/27 14:06  新浪教育

  RO: So that's how it happened.

  RG: You don't get to a place without focusing on it somehow.


  RO: Did you ever come to a pointswheresyou thought maybe this wasn't going to be what you wanted? Was there a point after a few mega(米高梅,美国最大的电影公司之一) movies, like "Am I going to be able to assimilate(吸收,接受) this in my life?" I had moments like that.

  RG: Have you always been a gregarious(社交的) person?

  RO: Yeah.

  RG: I wasn't(我不是). Being an actor allowed me to interact with people. It literally gave me a way to be a functioning(机灵的,可爱的) human being. It got me out of myself. And that part was wonderful. Most people would want to be seen as a creative person. The famous stuff (名利)just comes along with it. You say, "Well, that's kind of nice to have the money and the girls, et cetera. (有钱有女人确实是好)" Yeah, but it was the creative part, the creative impulse that kept me in motion. (但是创造却给我带来了真正的活力。)

  RO: Yeah, that's the road you started down.

  RG: Sure.

  RO: The need to create-does it come in other forms for you? Do you paint(画画), do you sculpt(雕刻)?

  RG: Well, music was and still is a very important part of my life, and I was doing session(部分) singing, guitar(吉他) work and piano stuff in New York.

  RO: And that was a good choice.

  RG: It's been good to me. Very challenging.

  RO: How hasshavingsa baby changed your life? I know it's hard to articulate(说清楚) because I have three.

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