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光阴似箭 逝者如斯夫
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/03 09:57  世博英语


  I always say when I have more time,l'd like to catch up on spending more time with my girlfriend.


  是的,时间就像流水一般,失去的不再来,所以一定要catch up on something you have to do.这里catch up on something意思就是赶上某事,Catch up这个片语大家可能都知道是追赶(come to; overtake)的意思。如:

  You have to work hard insgroupsto catch up with the rest of the class.


  而catch up on something常指完成原本应该做而暂时没有做的事情。

  Now, I need to catch up on cleaning my bedroom, reading as well. But I think, the most important thing is to catch up on sleep. That's the best bet.



  It's easy to find extra time. I have the feeling if something is truly important, the time may already be there, the only thing we have to do is to track the time down.


  片语track something down意思就是追查、寻找某事,track是“足迹”的意思,看到足迹就能追踪到留下足迹的人或动物了,所以这个片语应该很好理解吧!他的意思是“追捕到;找到,查到(尤指根据留下的线索)”即pursue until caught or captured; find or discover(esp.by following evidence that has been left behind)看一看英文解释:

  Tracks are marks left in the ground by the feet of animals or people, or by the wheels of vehicles. If you track animals or people, you try to follow them by looking for the signs that they have left behind, like their tracks in the ground or other signs that they were there. To track someone or something down means to find them after a long difficult search as they didn't want to be found. For example, police track criminals down. Investigators track the truth down.


  It was not long before I tracked down the lost watch.


  The police have tracked down the escaped convict.


  I always tried to track down different restaurants to eat Chinese food when I was abroad.


  好了,这一讲就到这里,我们主要围绕时间的话题为大家介绍了两个片语catch up on something赶上某事,往往有补充、补偿的意味在里面,如赶作业,赶瞌睡等。第二个片语是track something down意思是追赶上某事、追查到某事。

  See you.


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