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Lesson Four口语部分文化篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/16 16:35  新浪教育
  Read the text carefully and be prepared to answer the question:


  In American culture, getting angry is considered appropriate1 in certain contexts2. When someone treats you unfairly, Americans think it right to show him you are a little ticked off3. Of course, people who throw temper tantrums4 or who overreact are frowned5 upon for their bad behavior. But people who are in the right are expected to defend themselves instead of "letting other people walk all over them." In some cases, people with a reputation for "blowing their stacks"6 have even wound up becoming company president.

  1.appropriate: adj. proper and suitable适当的,合适的

  例句:It is not appropriate to tell jokes at funerals.


  2.context: n. the facts that surround a particular event情形,背景

  例句:All the fighting and bloodshed in his plays is explained if you see his writing in a historical context.


  3.tick off: v. to make angry使……生气

  例句:It's not right to get ticked off with your parents.


  4.tantrum: n. a sudden expression of bad temper发脾气

  例句:He wentsintostantrum upon hearing the news.


  5.frown: v. bring the eyebrows together (to show disapproval or to express anger)皱眉(表示不赞成或生气)

  例句:He frowned at the dirty air when coming out to the street.


  6.blow one's stack: v. to become very angry; lose one's temper非常生气,大发脾气

  例句:He blew his stack when he learned that his son had failed the College Entrance Examinations.


  Exercise: Is anger considered appropriate behavior in America and why?

  Clues to the answer: unfair, occasionally

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