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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/05 13:02  英语辅导报


  "I will land you safe in Livepool," he cried, "if you will stay strong and firm with me."(《高中英语教科书》第三册(上),人教版P. 46)



  "Now if you will take off your clothes, Emperor, we will fit the new suit on you in front of the mirror."said the weavers. (=please take off your clothes...)

  If you will wait a moment, I'll go and tell the manager that you are here. (=please wait a moment and...)

  If you will close the door we can settle down to talk.

  If you will look after the luggage, I'll buy the tickets.

  If you will come into the hall, the meeting will begin soon.

  If you'll help me, we can finish early.


  If you will behave like that, you will suffer from it. (=If you insist on behaving like that...)

  If you will play the drum all night no wonder the neighbours complain.

  If you will keep your watch half an hour slow, it is hardly surprising that you are late for your appointments.

  If you will do it like that, you will fail.


  If he will listen to me, I'll be able to help him. (=If he is willing to listen to me,...)

  If you'll allow me, I'll see you home.


  If they won't accept a check, we'll have to pay cash. (=If they refused to accept a check,...)


  If it will suit you, (ie. Not now, but later) I'll change the date of our meeting.如果对你合适(即不指现在,而指今后)我将改变会议的日期。(《朗曼英语语法》翻译本P. 536)

  If the water will rise above this level(超过这个水位), then we must warn everybody in the neighbourhood.(《新编英语语法》修订本章振邦主编P. 566)


  If it will make you happier, I'll stop smoking.(如果那会使你更快乐,我一定戒烟。)

  "你更快乐"是"我戒烟"的"结果",并非条件。(《贺氏英文法全书》贺立民主编P. 746)

  If my civil engineer uncle's advice will help you in your work, I will ask him to give you as much as you need.如果我的当土木工程师的叔父的建议有助于你的工作,我将要求他尽量按你的需要提供。(=If my civil engineer uncle gives you some advice and it will help you in your work, I will ask him to give you as much as you need.这里带will的if从句表示主句行为的结果。(《简明英语惯用法》葛传椝编著P. 359)


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