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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/03 15:26  英语辅导报

  不直接用 not, no, never等否定词,而用别的方法间接、委婉地表达否定含义的方法叫含蓄否定。本文拟从词法的角度,对常见的含蓄否定作一归纳。

  一、用动词词组 prefer...to 及 would rather...than 表达一种对比状况下的强势否定,译作"宁愿……不愿"。例如:

  Zhu Ziqing would rather starve to death than accept the Americans' flour. 朱自清宁愿饿死也不要美国人的面粉。

  Many people prefer talking about how to write poems to writing them for themselves. 很多人喜欢谈论如何写诗,而不愿自己写。

  二、用too (...to), out, lightly 等副词表示否定。例如:

  He was too excited to keep still. 他兴奋得不能平静。

  She's afraid the trip will be too much for me. 她担心旅途艰难,我会受不了。

  To marriage, political and educational backgrounds, once critical, are out (of date). 曾一度十分重要的政治和教育背景,对婚姻来说现在已不时兴了。

  Some take it lightly. 有的人对此不以为然。

  三、用连词来表达间接否定,如 before, when, after, than 等。例如:

  Before I could get in a word he had measured me. 我还没来得及插一句话,他就给我量了尺寸。

  I only believed this when / after I had such a bad experience myself. 要不是我亲身经历过那样一次坏的遭遇,真不相信会有这样的事。

  It's better to make an effort at present than to regret in the future. 最好现在就努力,不要将来后悔。

  四、用形容词 last, short, free, poor, weak 等表示委婉否定。例如:

  Such are the last people to be relied on. 那样的人是最靠不住的。

  My hometown is located a short 60 km from Chengdu. 我的家乡离成都不足60公里。

  Now 70 percent of rural marriages are free from parental control. 现在70%的农村青年的婚姻不受父母包办了。

  As a child, Einstein was weak in speech. 爱因斯坦小时候不善言谈。

  五、用介词或介词短语表达间接否定,这些介词有 beyond, above, against, below, behind, more than, far from, instead of 等。例如:

  We ought to deal with more concrete matters instead of talking. 我们应多办实事,而不是空谈。

  My spoken English is far from fluent. 我的口语还远谈不上流利。

  The land of Yunnan is indeed filled with charm and beauty beyond imagination. 云南这片土地的确充满了无法想像的美和魅力。

  Such abstract knowledge is above children's comprehension. 这么抽象的知识,孩子是不能理解的。

  Reform means more than gaining more material wealth. 改革并不只意味着获得更多的物质财富。

  He can do anything but that. 他决不会干那种事。

  In our country, all children, in spite of sex, nationality and race, have the right to go to school. 在我国不分性别,不分民族和种族,所有孩子都有权上学念书。


  I'm a failure as a parent. 我是一个不合格的家长。

  You should have let me know that earlier. 你本该早点让我知道那件事。

  I had intended to drop in on you on the way back to my home town. 在返回家乡的途中,我原本打算顺便去看望你的。


  (文/陈觉法; 英语辅导报高中教师版 03~04学年度第37期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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