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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/12 11:57  英语通
Classroom Management - Unit 8
When should I use Chinese in the English classroom?
When should you use Chinese in English class? When is the use of Chinese most helpful? When is the use of English most effective? What about the children? When can they try harder to use English? And when is it helpful for them to speak Chinese? Let's look at these questions.
1. When should you use Chinese in English class?
· You might use Chinese to translate abstract words like 'hate' or 'spirit'.
· You may want to explain a word or give an example to clarify the meaning.
· Sometimes it is best to use Chinese to explain a grammar point so children can better understand a difference between English and Chinese.
· Cultural references are often best explained in Chinese so that the context is clear.
2. When is the use of English most effective in primary or low-level classes?
· The teacher sets a good example when she uses English in the classroom. If the teacher speaks mostly English, the children will have more reason and opportunity to use English too.
· When you speak English, the children receive listening practice.
· Common or repeated classroom language or routines can be learned and practised in English. (e.g. Please open your books to page____.)
3. When can children try harder to use English in the classroom?
· You can encourage children to use English when asking common and useful questions. (e.g. What does X mean? How do you spell____?)
· A list of useful and common statements and questions should be available to children. How about keeping a list visible on the classroom wall or having each child keep a list in their exercise books?
· Using English does not mean only speaking English. Children should be encouraged to understand spoken English without the help of Chinese in simple contexts. Allowing the children to demonstrate their understanding by doing an action also counts as using English in the classroom.
4. When is it helpful for children to use Chinese in the classroom?
· If a child is explaining in Chinese to his partner how to do an exercise, he is trying to help his partner to learn. Children often do not have the English skills necessary to explain in English.
· If two children are discussing a grammar point in English, they are helping each other to understand something in English.
· When doing a speaking activity, a child may use a Chinese word when he doesn't know the English one. He is still trying his best to communicate in English.
Using Chinese in English class is clearly quicker and easier for both the teacher and the child. However, quicker and easier doesn't mean better! If we want to learn how to swim, reading a book about swimming will be less effective than actually swimming in a pool. Similarly, when learning English, it is most effective to hear and speak English when possible.
· translate (v) 翻译
· abstract (adj) 抽象的
· clarify (v) 说明
· context (n)上下文
· routines (n. pl) 常规用语
· encourage (v) 鼓励
· demonstrate (v) 证明,示范


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