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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/12 12:56  英语通
Classroom Management - Unit 9
How can I give and check classroom instructions?
Will children understand classroom instructions given in English? How can I make classroom instructions clear? How can I support children's understanding of these instructions? How do I know that the instructions have been understood? Read on for ideas.
1. Can children understand classroom instructions in English?
· If you use English in classroom instructions, it gives children a good chance to develop their listening skills in a context where English is used for real communication.
· It is true that some children may not be able to understand all the words when instructions are given in English at first.
· However, this is a similar situation to how young children learn their own first language. If parents support children's understanding, children usually understand the meaning, even if they don't understand all the words.
· The teacher can also help children to understand classroom instructions by giving them clearly and by supporting them.
2. How can I give clear classroom instructions?
· Firstly, make sure you get everyone's attention. Wait until everyone is looking at you.
· Speak clearly, but not too slowly.
· Try to use sentences which are not too long.
· You can write instructions on a piece of paper to help you if necessary, but make sure you keep eye contact with the children.
3. How can I support my classroom instructions?
· You can help children to understand by supporting your instructions with hand gestures, facial expressions, and intonation.
· Sometimes pictures or real objects can be used.
· To help with some instruction vocabulary, you can also write key points on the blackboard.
· You can help children to understand and pay attention by checking the instructions with them.
4. How can I check my classroom instructions?
· Don't ask 'Do you understand?' Children may think they have understood when they have not, or may say just 'yes' to please you.
· One alternative is to ask children to explain in Chinese what they have to do. This is a clear and economical way for you to see if children have really understood.
· As children's English develops, you can ask them checking questions in English ('Will you work in twos or fours?' 'Will you speak or write?' 'Have you got five or ten minutes for this activity?')
Using English as much as possible in classroom instructions can be beneficial for your students in several ways. This may a difficult task for students but there are ways of helping children understand classroom instructions.
· support (v and n) 支持
· develop (v) 发展
· context (v) 上下文
· communication (n) 交流
· gesture (n) 手势
· facial expression (n) 面部表情
· intonation (n)语调,声调
· eye contact (n and v) 眼神交流
· economical (adj) 经济的
· alternative (n and adj) 二者择一的


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