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Unit 2 Captain Cook
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/18 10:26  新浪教育



  我们通常利用两种上下文线索来猜测生词的含义。一是说明性线索,就是在生词的前后存在着说明、解释该生词的词语线索。如:We can feel acceleration, an increase in speed. (生词acceleration的词义由an increase in speed说明,解释为“加速”)。二是情景或逻辑线索。如:The weather was very hot. The sweat dropped down his face. His clothes were wet as if he had fallen into the water. (sweat可从这三句提供的情景推断出,是“汗水”的意思。)

  Passage 1


  Christopher Columbus was a great sailor. He was born and brought up in Genoa. As a youth he made several voyages in the Mediterranean. At the age of twentyfour, by a lucky chance, he was thrown into Lisbon, center of European oceanic business. There, while employed partly in making charts and partly on long voyages under the Portuguese flag, he conceived of (构想) the great enterprise (事业) that few but a sailor would have planned, and none but a sailor could have done.① His idea was to reach “The India” — Eastern Asia

  by sailing west. It took about ten years to get support for this plan, and he never did it because a huge continent stood in the way.

  America was discovered by Columbus by accident and was named after another man.

  We now honor Columbus for doing something that he never intended to do and never knew what he had done. Yet we are right in so honoring him, for he had the persistence (执着), the knowledge, and the courage to sail thousands of miles into an unknown ocean to make the most special and most farreaching geographical discovery in recorded human history.②



  ①...he conceived of the great enterprise that few but a sailor would have planned, and none but a sailor could have done. ……他构想了一个伟大的计划,一个除了水手几乎没人会想到,也不会有人做到的计划。

  ②...to make the most special and most farreaching geographical discovery in recorded human history. ……创造了人类历史所记载的最特殊、最具深远意义的地理发现。


  1. According to the passage, why did Columbus go to Lisbon?

  A. In order to learn chart making.

  B. For no particular reason and without planning to do so.

  C. Because he could not find work in his native Genoa.

  D. Because he needed to persuade sailors for a voyage to the India.

  2. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. Columbus discovered America.

  B. America was named after the man who discovered it.

  C. Today, people still honor Columbus.

  D. Christopher Columbus was a great sailor.

  Passage 2


  A Race to the South Pole — tragedy (悲剧)

  Captain Robert Scott wanted to be the first person to reach the South Pole. In 1911, he planned a trip to Antarctica (南极洲), but while he was preparing to leave he heard about Roald Amundsen. Amundsen, from Norway, also expected to be the first person to reach the South Pole. The race was on.①

  Scott started the trip on November 1st, 1911. With him, he had eleven men, horses, dogs, snow tractors and sledges (雪橇). They were going to cross nearly 3,000 kilometres of ice — the longest journey by sledge in history.

  Very soon, Scott's expedition had terrible problems. The wind was blowing very hard and all the horses died from the cold. Then, on December 31st, the snow tractor broke down and seven of the men had to go back. Scott and four other men continued across the ice. Scott didn't know it, but two weeks before that, on December 14th, Amundsen had already arrived at the South Pole — while Scott and his men were fighting their way across the ice.

  On January 18th, 1912, Scott finally reached the South Pole — when Amundsen was already sailing home. At the Pole, Scott found the Norway flag and a letter from Amundsen. Tired and weak, Scott and his men started their return journey,② but while they were struggling across the ice, one of the men fell and died. Another man died a few days later. The other three men tried to continue but the cold was too much for them. On March 29th, 1912, Scott and his men all died in the ice — only 18 kilometres from their camp.

  Amundsen thought that the trip to the South Pole was going to make him famous. Instead, Scott became the hero.



  ①The race was on. 比赛开始了。

  ②Tired and weak, Scott and his men started their return journey... 又累又虚弱,Scott和他的伙伴开始了他们的归途……


  1. How many people arrived at the South Pole on Scott's trip?

  A. Four.B. Five.

  C. Six.D. Seven.

  2. Which one of the following about Scott's expedition is NOT true?

  A. Scott's trip failed mostly because of the cold.

  B. Scott never knew Amundsen had arrived at the South Pole.

  C. It took nearly 3 months for Scott and his men to reach the South Pole.

  D. Scott took sledges to fight their way across the ice.

  3. In which order did the following things happen?

  a. Scott reached the South Pole.

  b. Scott began his journey to Antarctica.

  c. Amundsen arrived at the South Pole.

  d. Scott started the journey back.

  e. Amundsen sailed home.

  A. bcaedB. bcead

  C. bacdeD. badce

  4.Why do people think the race to the South Pole is a story of tragedy?

  A. The expedition Scott carried out was extremely difficult.

  B. Scott realized his dream but he failed to return alive.

  C. He didn't realize his dream and was laughed at by people.

  D. He continued, but he failed at last.

  Passage 3


  About 700 years ago a young trader from Italy took a long trip to Cathay. Cathay is known as China today. He went with his father and uncle, who had traveled there once before. It took them more than three years to travel to China. They stayed in China for about two decades (十年). The young mans name was Marco Polo. Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous westerner to visit

  Asia during the Middle Ages①. He wrote a book about his travels. In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard. He told of the Chinese postal system②, paper money, and the use of coal as fuel. Many people read the book but few believed what Marco Polo said. He spoke of strange people and places that nobody knew about at that time. He knew four languages and travelled around the kingdom and talked to many people. He became the Chinese emperors friend. Before he reached the age of thirty he was made a Chinese official. After nearly seventeen years in the east, Marco and his father prepared to return home. When they finally arrived in Venice, their family and friends were surprised to see them again. They had been away for almost 25 years.



  ① the Middle Ages (欧洲历史上的)中世纪(约自公元1100年至1400年)

  ② postal system 邮政服务系统


  1.What made Marco Polo famous during the Middle Ages?

  A. His travel to America.

  B. His travel in the west.

  C. His travel in Asia.

  D. His visit to Venice.

  2.What did Marco Polo write about in his book?

  A. How he travelled to China with his father and uncle.

  B. Some strange people and places he visited.

  C. Something too difficult for people to understand.

  D. Something that had been known to people for many years.

  3. When Marco Polo returned to Venice with his father, their family and

  friends were surprised because ____ .

  A. they had been away for 25 years

  B. they were very old

  C. they had not forgotten their hometown

  D. they were still alive

  4.Which of the following is the right order during Marco's travel?

  a. traveled with his father and uncle

  b. was made a Chinese official

  c. wrote a book about his travel

  d. became the Chinese emperor's friend

  e. returned to Venice

  A. cadbe

  B. cabde

  C. adbec

  D. abdec

  Passage 4


  When sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea,① they sometimes get drunk and cause trouble. For this reason, the navy (海军) 1 has its police in big ports. Whenever sailors cause trouble, the police come and 2 them.

  One day, the police in a big seaport received a telephone call 3 a bar in the town. The barman said that a big sailor had got drunk and was 4 the furniture in the bar. The officer in charge of the police guard② that evening said that he would come immediately.Now, officers who 5 and punish the sailors 6 drunk usually chose 7 policeman they could find to go with them.8 this particular officer did not do this.

  9, he chose the smallest and 10 man he could find to go to the bar with him and 11 the sailor.Another officer who 12 to be there was surprised when he sa

  w the officer of the guard chose such a small man. 13 he said to him, “Why 14

  you take a big man with you? You have to fight the sailor who 15.”

  “Yes, you are 16 right,” answered the officer of the guard. “That is exactly 17 I am taking this small man. If you see two policemen coming 18 you, and one is 19 the other, which one 20 you attack? ”



  ①When sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea... 当水手们在海上航行一段时间以后允许靠岸时……

  ②the officer in charge of the police guard 负责警卫队的警官。


  1. A. always B. seldom C. perhaps D. sometimes

  2. A. talk toB. deal withC. look forD. call on

  3. A. aboutB. fromC. inD. of

  4. A. breakingB. orderingC. movingD. dusting

  5. A. would comeB. might beatC. dared to fightD. had to go

  6. A. slightlyB. not at allC. heavilyD. much more

  7. A. the biggestB. the youngestC. the bravestD. the experienc


  8. A. In factB. ButC. SoD. And

  9. A. InsteadB. ThereforeC. AlthoughD. Then

  10. A. goodlookingB. weakestlooking

  C. uglylookingD. strongestlooking

  11. A. seizeB. killC. get rid ofD. catch up with

  12. A. supposedB. thoughtC. seemed D. happened

  13. A. YetB. But C. SoD. Then

  14. A. dontB. couldntC. cantD. do

  15. A. looks strongB. is drunkC. seems rudeD. is dangerous

  16. A. allB. veryC. tooD. quite

  17. A. howB. whatC. whyD. that

  18. A. upB. atC. beforeD. towards

  19. A. not smaller thanB. as big as

  C. as small asD. much smaller than

  20. A. couldB. willC. doD. can

  Passage 1


  1.B文中提到“...by a lucky chance, he was thrown into Lisbon, center of European oceanic business.” 由此可看出,他到里斯本并没有什么特殊目的。

  2.B根据“America was discovered by Columbus by accident and was named after another man. ”可断定,新大陆不是以哥伦布的名字命名的。

  Passage 2



  2.BScott 通过Amundsen留下的 flag和 letter能知道他已经先他一步到达了南极。



  Passage 3



  2.B从“...few believed what Marco Polo said...” 与“...strange people and places that nobody knew about at that time.”中可知答案。



  Passage 4




  2.Bdeal with 意为“处理”。




  6.Cthe sailors heavily drunk 意为“醉得很厉害的水手”。

  7.A对付醉汉应选择大个子的警察,且下文有与之对应的the smallest,故选the biggest。



  10.B与the smallest policeman相对应的词应该是the weakestlooking man。


  12.Dhappen to be there意为“碰巧在那儿”。


  14.AWhy dont you...? 用于向对方提出建议。




  18.Dcome towards somebody 意为“向某人走过来”。


  20.Bwill 为情态动词,用于第二人称,表示征求对方意见。

  ...he never did it because a huge continent stood in the way. (Paragraph 1, Passage 1)

  in the way 挡道的;妨碍别人的。way与不同的介词搭配有不同的含义。常见词组还有:

  by the way 顺便说by way of途经

  in a way在某种意义上in no way决不;无论如何都不

  in this way以这种方式in every way 在各方面; 完全

  on one's way在途中;在进行中across the way 路对面; 街对面

  under way在进行中out of the way 反常的;异常的

  2....and it was as well as a successful journalist that Remington was a great artist. Remington不仅是一个成功的记者,而且是一个伟大的画家。 (Paragraph 2,Passage 3)

  这是一个强调句型,其结构是:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 句子的其他成分。


  I met an old friend in the street yesterday. 句中部分句子成分可被强调如下:

  It was I that/who met an old friend in the street yesterday. (强调主语)

  It was an old friend that/who I met in the street yesterday. (强调宾语)

  It was in the street that I met an old friend yesterday. (强调地点状语)

  It was yesterday that I met an old friend in the street. (强调时间状语)


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