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Unit 3 Australia
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/18 10:27  新浪教育


  在阅读过程中,我们可以根据生词的构词线索来推测该词的词义,这也是一种积极有效的阅读策略。《英语课程标准》“语法项目表”规定我们需要了解的构词法有合成法、派生法和转换法三种。由两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词,称为合成法,如world+wide  worldwide(世界范围的)等。在一个单词(词根)前后加上词缀,构成一个新词,叫派生法,如unwillingly(不愿意地)和comfortable(舒适的)。转换法是将一种词类转变为另一种词类,如Father eyed me seriously.(父亲严肃地盯了我一眼。)等。


  Passage 1


  Canberra, the capital of Australia, lies in the southeast of the country. From this city, it is 240 kilometers to Sydney, and over twice to Melbourne. The former faces the Pacific Ocean and the latter is close to the Bass Strait through which ships from Sydney can enter the Indian Ocean.①

  When the federal government (联邦政府) of Australia was formed in 1901, no one knew where Australia's capital would be. The two cities of Melbourne and Sydney both wanted the honor. Instead, the founding father chose a piece of land between the two cities for the new capital. The government would build a new city called Canberra as the country's capital.

  The American architect (建筑师) Walter Burley Griffin won an international competition for the design of the new city. Construction began in 1913 but was interrupted by World War I (1914-1918). Twentyfour years later, the city was finished. But the government moved to this new city ten years before it was completed.

  At one time, almost everyone in Canberra worked for the government. However, the city today has become a center of education and favorite place for tourists. Now people can hold a government job, or they can work in business. They also make a living by teaching or meeting the needs of tourists.②

  People find life in Canberra relaxing and pleasant. The city is surrounded (包围) by beautiful mountains where people can ski. There is a large manmade lake lined with beaches and parks in the center of Canberra. Canberra is now Australia's largest inland city. Many people living there have come from other cities in Australia and from other lands. They have come to Canberra to work. Some have come to escape the busier way of life found in many other countries.



  ① the former...,the latter....前者……,后者……。

  ② They also make a living by teaching or meeting the needs of tourists. 他们有些人通过教书或旅游业谋生。meet the needs of... 满足某人的需要。


  1. According to the passage, it is about ____ kilometers from Sydney to Melbourne.

  A. 240B. 480C. 960D. 720

  2. Canberra is now ____ .

  A. a lovely city to which no visitors can go only by sea

  B. a beautiful coastal city with beaches and parks

  C. the largest city and education centre in Australia

  D. a pleasant place with many mountains and lakes

  Passage 2


  A friend is better than fortune.

  A friend is worse than poison in some cases.

  The two sentences above have opposite meanings and seem to be unreasonable, but they can be explained as follows: the first refers to all good friends who drive us towards good while the second all bad ones who lead us into bad ways.①

  My ideal friend is of course a good friend whose goodness is shown below — he has no bad habits, such as smoking and drinking. He lives in frugality (节俭). He studies hard so as not to waste his golden time. At home he honors his parents and loves his brothers; at school he respects his teachers and shares the feelings of his classmates. He treats those truly who are true to him.② In a word, he has all the good characteristics that I dont have. I can follow him as a model. With his help I can be free from all difficulties.

  Indeed, if I have such a person as my friend, I shall never fear difficulty and I shall never know the existence of the word “failure”.



  ①...the first refers to all good friends who drive us towards good while the second all bad ones who lead us into bad ways. 第一句指的是所有引导我们向好的方面发展的好朋友,而第二句指的是驱使我们变坏的坏朋友。

  ②He treats those truly who are true to him. 他与挚友坦诚相待。


  1.This passage tells us ____ .

  A. how to make friends with others

  B. how to help friends

  C. what kind of person the writer's friend is

  D. what kind of person we should make friends with

  2. According to the writer, an ideal friend refers to ____ .

  A. a friend without bad habits

  B. a famous man

  C. a perfect man

  D. a respectable man

  3. From the passage we can learn that ____ .

  A. the writer and his ideal friend have a lot to learn from each other

  B. the writer has a lot to learn from his ideal friend

  C. the writer's ideal friend has a lot to learn from him

  D. the writer has only a little to learn from his ideal friend

  4. From the fourth paragraph, we can infer the writer is sure that ____ .

  A. friendship means a great deal to him

  B. nothing can be done without friends

  C. he who does not smoke or drink must be a good friend

  D. good friends should always help each other

  Passage 3


  Have you ever heard of Angel Falls?① It's the highest waterfall in the world, deep in the jungles of Venezuela (委内瑞拉). Few people have ever seen Angel Falls. It's very hard to get there. If you went by land, you would have to travel for weeks through thick jungles. If you went by plane from Caracas, a city on the southern coast, it would take about four hours.

  What would it be like to take a trip by plane from Caracas to the falls? For hundreds of miles you would become higher, and you would see mountains with forests. Soon the land would level out to high plateaus (高原). Finally, you would fly towards a deep canyon (峡谷) with steep, rocky siders.

  Suddenly you could see a silver thread in the distance. Then as your plane flew closer, you would see the waterfall more clearly. You would see water falling over half a mile straight down the cliff (悬崖). It is a sight you would never forget. No one knew about this high waterfall until 1930. In that year James Angel, an American pilot, flew over the area. As he was flying over the mountains and canyons, he suddenly saw a waterfall. It was an impressive sight: the water seemed to be dropping straight out of the clouds.

  In 1941 an American expedition explored and measured the falls.② From the top to the bottom, the water falls 3,200 feet. These falls are over 1,000 feet higher than any other fall in the world.



  ①Angel Falls(委内瑞拉的)安赫尔瀑布(世界上落差最大的瀑布)

  ②In 1941 an American expedition explored and measured the falls. 1941年,一个美国探险队对瀑布进行了勘探和测量。


  1.Few people have ever seen Angel Falls, as ____ .

  A. it is surrounded by thick jungles

  B. it required a long and difficult trip to get there

  C. people have to travel on foot for weeks to get there

  D. no one but a pilot can fly close to it

  2. Angel Falls was probably named after ____ .

  A. the man who first explored the waterfall by land

  B. the American pilot who first discovered it

  C. the expedition which first measured the waterfall

  D. none of the above

  3. This passage suggests that ____ .

  A. none of the other waterfalls in the world are over 1000 feet high

  B. the second highest waterfall is over 2,200 feet

  C. the second highest waterfall is not over 2,200 feet

  D. all the other waterfalls in the world are not over 1,000 feet high

  4. It can be inferred from the passage that ____ .

  A. Angel Falls is an unforgettable scene which is worth seeing

  B. since its discovery millions of people have seen Angel Falls

  C. Angel Falls is located in the jungles near Caracas

  D. American pilots are very sensitive

  Passage 4


  Fred Mundy enjoyed life. He loved adventure (冒险) and the great outdoors, especially riding his motorcycle.

  One day, Fred decided to 1 a motorcycle race. The race was to be run on a dangerous course (路线) through 150 miles of rough 2.

  Fred was a 3 man; he wanted to enjoy the race. So, to save energy, he only took along a small 4 of water, some apples and a few pieces of bread.

  The race began. Fred got off to a good 5.① But somewhere along the way, he made a 6 turn. He became lost in the wilderness of sand and rock — a 7 place where the temperature can easily top 40 degrees centigrade! ②

  A 8 party was organized, and planes were brought in. Soon the searchers began 9 things: Fred's motorcycle, footprints in the sand, even his empty can. 10 they couldnt find Fred.

  The searchers could not 11 this. Why didnt Fred try to signal the airplanes above? Why didn't he leave marks for the searchers to 12? It was almost as if he didnt want to be found.

  Twelve days after the 13, the searchers found Freds body. And near it, they found his bright orange helmet (头盔) 14 under a small bush. It seemed to be hidden 15 it couldnt be seen from the air.

  Perhaps the searchers were 16. Maybe Fred didnt want to be found. 17? Because he was a proud man,and he was trying to find his 18 way out of the desert. But he never 19 it. Fred Mundy had 20 his race with nature.



  ①Fred got off to a good start. Fred 出师顺利。get off 出发;离开。

  ②...the temperature can easily top 40 degrees centigrade! ……气温很容易高达40℃!


  1. A. enterB. watchC. helpD. organize

  2. A. forestB. grasslandC. desertD. country

  3. A. lovelyB. proudC. braveD. careful

  4. A. bottleB. canC. cupD. mouthful

  5. A. wayB. speedC. positionD. start

  6. A. skillfulB. difficultC. wrongD. dangerous

  7. A. quietB. lonelyC. crowdedD. beautiful

  8. A. raceB. helpingC. searchD. saving

  9. A. watchingB. collectingC. recognizingD. finding

  10. A. InsteadB. ButC. BesidesD. And

  11. A. guessB. judgeC. understandD. prove

  12. A. tellB. followC. studyD. record

  13. A. rideB. turnC. raceD. party

  14. A. leftB. buriedC. forgottenD. hung

  15. A. so thatB. as ifC. in caseD. now that

  16. A. rightB. cleverC. unhappyD. silly

  17. A. HowB. WhatC. WhyD. Which

  18. A. onlyB. missingC. favoriteD. own

  19. A. hadB. madeC. wonD. succeeded

  20. A. lostB. gainedC. begunD. finished

  Passage 1



  2.A从“Canberra is now Australias largest inland city.”可知,Canberra是一个内陆城市,不可以通过水路到达。

  Passage 2




  3.B从“I can follow him as a model.” 可知答案。


  Passage 3



  1.B从第一段“Its a hard and long trip。”可知。

  2.B从In that year James Angel, an American pilot, flew over the area.可知,飞行员的名字就叫Angel,因此答案选B。



  Passage 4


  1.Aenter a motorcycle race 意为“参加摩托车比赛”。



  4.B下文提到了“an empty can” (空罐子)。


  6.C后一句说他迷路了,说明他拐错了弯 (make a wrong turn)。


  8.Ca search party 可译为“一个搜寻救援小组”,也可用a rescue party。




  12.Bfollow ones marks 跟随某人的足迹、记号。



  15.Aso that 引导结果状语从句,意为“以致于”,“因此”。



  18.DFred想靠自己的力量走出沙漠,find ones own way out 是固定搭配。

  19.Bmake it 意为“成功”。


  1. It was an impressive sight: the water seemed to be dropping straight out of the clouds. 这是一个给人印象很深的景象:水似乎是直接从云中倾泻下来。(Paragraph 3, Passage 3)


  (1) It seems as if...

  It seemed as if he knew nothing about it. 他好像对这件事一无所知。

  (2) It seems (to somebody) that...

  It seems that no one is against the plan. 看来没人反对这个计划。

  (3) Somebody seems to do/to be doing/to have done...

  You dont seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天好像不太舒服。

  I seemed to have seen him somewhere before. 我似乎以前在哪儿见过他。

  (4) There seems to be...

  There seems to be something wrong with the TV set. 这台电视机似乎有点毛病。

  2. It was almost as if he didnt want to be found. 好像他并不想被人找到。(Paragraph 6, Passage 4)

  动词不定式的被动式to be found在句中作宾语。当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式动作的承受者时,不定式一般需用被动语态。不定式的被动式根据其与谓语动作发生的先后关系,有一般式和完成式两种:

  The next thing to be done is to clean the room. 下一步要做的是打扫屋子。

  These are the books to be given out to the students. 这些是要发给学生的书。

  He appeared to have been questioned for many times. 看来他已经被询问过许多次了。

  This book is said to have been translated into English. 据说这本书已经译成英语。


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