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Unit 11 The Merchant of Venice
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/18 10:31  新浪教育









  Passage 1


  The success of Pickwick Papers made Dickens very popular. He suddenly found himself at twentyfour, the most famous novelist of his day.① Busy as his social life was, he worked on two novels at the same time — Oliver Twist and

  Pickwick Papers. He was particularly proud of Pickwick, which was a huge success and was regarded as a great comedy (喜剧的) works. “If I were to live a hundred years and write novels in each, I should never be so proud of any of them as I am of Pickwick.”

  It has been said that Dickens controlled the imagination of his readers because his imagination controlled himself. The people in his works were so real that they could make him laugh or cry. When writing Oliver Twist he said that he could not rest until Fagin, the wrongdoer, had been hanged.

  Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth and spent most of his childhood in London and Kent, both of which appear frequently in his novels. After his father was put in prison for debt in 1824, Dickens was forced to support himself by working in a shoepolish factory. For the most part, he was selfeducated. In 1827 he began working as a reporter, perhaps developing the power of precise (精确的) description that was to make his creative writing so remarkable. Dickenss marriage to Catherine, with whom he had nine children, ended unhappily in 1858. He started to travel about giving readings of his works.② His interest in tiring travel to the United States affected his health. On June 9, 1870, when he was working on a new novel, he died. As he had wished, he said he wanted to die working.



  ①He suddenly found himself at twentyfour, the most famous novelist of his day. 在二十四岁时,他突然发现自己已经跻身于当时最有名的小说家之列了。

  ② He started to travel about giving readings of his works. 他开始前往各地,对其作品进行巡回朗读。


  1. It seems clear that Dickens became a famous novelist ____ .

  A. because of his social work

  B. with the success of Pickwick

  C. because he was writing two novels at the same time

  D. when he began to give readings of his works

  2. According to this passage we know that Dickens ____ .

  A. was only interested in writing novels

  B. didn't like Oliver Twist

  C. wished to live a hundred years and wrote three novels in each

  D. didn't think he could write a better novel than Pickwick Papers in his life

  3. From the passage we can see that Fagin must be ____ .

  A. a person in real lifeB. a character in Oliver Twist

  C. a character in Pickwick Papers

  D. one of Dickens works

  4. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. Dickens had always enjoyed his marriage to Catherine Hagarth.

  B. Dickens was a successful actor.

  C. Dickens death had little to do with his hard work.

  D. Dickens had wished to die in the course of work.

  Passage 2


  Creativity (创造力) is the key to a brighter future, say education and business experts. Here is how schools and parents can encourage this important skill in children.

  If Dick Drew had listened to his boss in 1925, we might not have had a product that we now think of as of great importance: a new type of tape. Drew worked for the Minnesota Mining Company. At work he developed a kind of material strong enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to think more about the idea. Finally using his own time, Drew improved the tape which now is used everywhere by many people. And his former (先前的)company learned from its mistake. Now it encourages people to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking about and developing new ideas.

  Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a character of high intelligence(智力).① The fact that a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce new ideas that are good for something.

  Unfortunately, schools have not tried to encourage creativity. With strong attention to best results and the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills, many educators give up creativity for correct answers. The result is that children can give back information but cant recognize ways to use it in new situations. They may know the rules correctly, but they are unable to use them to work out practical problems.

  It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age children should be allowed to make decisions and understand their results. Even if its choosing between two food items for lunch, decisionmaking helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money, but not help them too much if they make the wrong decision. The child may have a hard time, but that is all right. This is because the most important character of creative people is a very strong wish to find a way out of trouble.②



  ① Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily

  a character of high intelligence. 创造力不是与生俱来的,也不是高智商必备的特征。

  ② This is because the most important character of creative people is a very str

  ong wish to find a way out of trouble. 这是因为创造性人才的最典型的特征就是有一种想要找到摆脱困境的办法的强烈愿望。


  1.What did the company where Drew once worked learn from its mistake?

  A. They encouraged people to work a longer time.

  B. They discouraged people to think freely.

  C. They asked people to spend all their work time developing new ideas.

  D. They encouraged people to spend some of their work time considering and developing new ideas.

  2. Creativity is something ____ .

  A. that people are born with

  B. that depends on intelligence

  C. that is a way of using what one has learned to deal with new problems

  D. that is not important at all

  3. Why don't schools try to encourage creativity?

  A. They don't understand the importance of education.

  B. They don't want their students to make mistakes.

  C. They pay too much attention to examination marks, language and mathematical skills.

  D. They think it more important to remember some information.

  Passage 3


  One evening after dinner, Mr and Mrs Tisich called a family meeting. “Weve had to make a difficult decision,” Mr Tisich announced. “You see, your mother has been offered a post as codirector of a television station in Chicago. Unfortunately, the station is not here. After thinking long and hard about it, weve concluded (结论) that the right decision is to move to Chicago.”

  Marc looked shocked, while his sister Rachel breathlessly started asking when theyd be moving. “It's surprising, but exciting!” she said. Marc simply said, “We cant go — I can't leave all my friends. I'd rather stay here and live with Tommy Lyons!”

  The Tisichs hoped that by the time they moved in August, Marc would grow more used to the idea of leaving. However, he showed no signs of accepting the news, refusing to pack his belongings.

  When the morning of the move arrived, Marc was nowhere to be found. His parents called Tommy Lyons's house, but Mrs Lyons said she hadn't seen Marc. Mrs Tisich became increasingly anxious, while her husband felt angry with their son for acting so irresponsibly (不负责任地).

  What they didnt know was that Marc had started walking over to Tommy's house, with a faint (模糊的) idea of hiding in the Lyons's attic (阁楼) for a few days. But something happened on the way as Marc walked past all the familiar landscape of the neighborhood: the fence that he and his mother painted, the tree that he and his sister used to climb, the park where he and his father often took evening walks together. How much would these mean without his family, who made them special in the first place?① Marc didn't take the time to answer that questio

  n but instead hurried back to his house, wondering if there was any paperbox of the right size to hold his record collection.②



  ①How much would these mean without his family, who made them special in the first place? 没有家人所有这一切又有何意义,最初是谁使这些与众不同的?

  ②Marc didn't take the time to answer that question but instead hurried back to his house, wondering if there was any paperbox of the right size to hold his record collection. 马克没有花时间思考那个问题而是快速地往家赶,他不知道是否有大小合适的纸箱来装他所收集的唱片。


  1. Marc and Rachel's reactions to the move were similar in the way that both were ____ .

  A. angry and upsetB. eager for more details

  C. worried about packingD. surprised

  2. The reason for Marc going home was that ____ .

  A. he did not want to be left behind

  B. he hoped to reach an agreement with his parents

  C. he realized his family was very important to him

  D. he wished to be a more responsible person

  3. What would most likely happen next?

  A. Marc would join his family for house moving.

  B. Marc would bring his records over to the Lyonss house.

  C. Mr and Mrs Tisich would call the police.

  D. Mr and Mrs Tisich would start searching for Marc.

  Passage 4


  William Shakespeare was born four hundred years ago and spent his childhood in his hometown, StratfordonAvon. Little was known about his childhood though many stories are published, some of which may be 1. He probably went to Grammar School at Stratford. At thirteen he 2 to leave school as his father 3 some losses and became poorer for a time. ① So William had to 4 his own living. At the age of eighteen he married a farmers daughter. Not long after he 5 Stratford for London. London was rapidly 6. All types of people were to be 7 in it. Here Shakespeare 8 travelers, students, and scholars, and his 9 was stirred(激发)by the stories they told. He also met writers and actors. He soon found some work in a 10. Before long he became an actor and writer of plays 11. There were a few theatres in London. One of the most famous of these was 12 the Globe. Shakespeare himself 13 one of the owners of this theatre. Shakespeares reputation(名望) as a writer of 14 began to grow. He made 15 of the writing of others and found 16 in the old poets like Chaucer. But by his gift he 17 all these old stories into masterpieces(杰作)of his 18.② Shakespeare wrote no fewer than 37 plays. They describe all kinds of men and women, and 19 us pictures of great events in history. In 1593 Shakespeare acted before Queen Elizabeth, and received ten pounds for his services. Soon he got greater rewards, and became 20 enough to buy a house in Stratford. He was able to retire to his native town and spent the last few years of his life in comfort there.



  ① At thirteen he had to leave school as his father suffered some losses and became poorer for a time.十三岁时他被迫离开学校, 因为他父亲的生意亏损,家境一度很贫困.

  ② But by his gift he turned all these old stories into masterpieces of his own.但是凭他的才智,他将这些古老的故事改编成自己的杰作。


  1. A. exciting B. true C. wrong D. fair

  2. A. agreedB. decidedC. hadD. ought

  3. A. paidB. gotC. managedD. suffered

  4. A. earnB. planC. setD. suffer

  5. A. leftB. stayedC. reachedD. drove to

  6. A. developedB. builtC. growingD. increasing

  7. A. gatheredB. collectedC. foundD. visited

  8. A. metB. invitedC. respectedD. called

  9. A. powerB. wishC. writingD. imagination

  10. A. cityB. townC. theatreD. concert

  11. A. himselfB. insteadC. tooD. again

  12. A. aroundB. calledC. knownD. made

  13. A. becameB. askedC. helpedD. defeated

  14. A. playsB. poemsC. novelsD. stories

  15. A. lotsB. useC. goodD. more

  16. A. habitsB. idiomsC. ideasD. theories

  17. A. putB. turnedC. wroteD. set

  18. A. lifeB. ownC. timeD. day

  19. A. drawB. sendC. giveD. make

  20. A. strongB. richC. ableD. clever

  Passage 1


  1. B由文章第一句可知。

  2. D第一段最后一句说明不会有比Pickwick更令他骄傲的作品了。

  3. B由第二段最后一句 “When writing Oliver Twist he said that...”可知答案。

  4. D通过文章最后两句可得出答案。

  Passage 2


  1. D文章第二段的最后一句为答案依据。

  2. C文章第三段预示C为正确答案。

  3. C文章第四段提及学校过多地关注学生的分数及读、写、数学解题技巧的提高。

  Passage 3


  1. D从文章第二段第一句可知,他们都很吃惊。

  2. C根据 “How much would these mean without his family, who made them special in the first place?” 可猜测出Marc的心情。

  3. A从文章的最后一句可推断出答案。

  Passage 4


  1. B下文叙述的是可能真实的情况,所以此处选B。

  2. C因他父亲失去财产,所以他不得不退学。

  3. Dsuffer some losses 意为“遭受损失”。

  4. Aearn one's living 相当于 make one's living,意为“谋生”。

  5. Aleave...for...意为“离开某处去另一处”。

  6. C伦敦在迅速扩大。be growing相当于be developing。

  7. C在伦敦能发现形形色色的人。

  8. Ameet 意为“接触;遇见”。从下文He also met writers and actors.可得到提示。

  9. D人们讲的故事激发了他的想象力。

  10. C他还遇到过作者和演员,不久他在剧院里找到了一份工作。

  11. A很快他本人也成了演员和剧作者。

  12. B其中一个最著名的剧院叫做……。

  13. A莎士比亚本人也成了这个剧院的主人之一。

  14. A上文告诉过我们,他此时是剧作者。

  15. Bmake use of 意为“利用”。

  16. C在乔叟的旧诗里他找到了(新的)构思。

  17. Bturn...into...意为“把……变成…”。

  18. B凭他的才智,他将这些古老的故事改编成他自己的杰作。

  19. Cgive us pictures of great events in history 意为“……为我们描述了


  20. B该句意为:不久他得到了更多的回报,使他有足够的钱在Stratford买下一座房子。

  1. Busy as his social life was, he worked on two novels at the same time. 尽管他社交生活很忙,

  他还是同时在创作两本小说。(Paragraph 1, Passage 1)

  busy as his social life was是让步状语从句,相当于 although his social life was busy。当as引导让步状语从句时,从句中的表语、状语或主要动词应移到句首。若表语是名词,该名词无冠词修饰。

  Cold as it was, the children were playing outdoors. 虽然天气冷,但孩子们仍在户外玩。

  Much as I admire his courage, I dont think he acted wisely. 我虽然佩服他的勇气,但是我认为他这样做是不明智的。

  Child as he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他还是个孩子,却懂得很多。

  Try as I might,I couldnt lift the stone. 我使多大劲儿也搬不动这块石头。

  2. He suddenly found himself at twentyfour, the most famous novelist of his day

  . 在二十四岁时,他突然发现自己已经跻身于当时最有名的小说家之列了。(Paragraph 1, Passage 1)

  介词短语of his day 意思是“他当时那个时代的”。day的搭配比较多,常见的有:

  of the day当代的to a/the day 恰好; 一天也不差

  all day long 整天; 终日to this day 迄今; 直到今天

  any day 随便哪一天at day 天亮时; 黎明时

  by day 在白天by the day 按日计算

  for days on end 一连好几天from this day forth 从今天起

  have a day off 休假一天in one's day 在(某人)年轻时


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