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Unit 17 My teacher
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/18 10:36  新浪教育




  Passage 1


  Helen Keller was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, the USA in June, 1880. Everything was all right when she was born. But when she was 19 months old, an attack of fever left her blind and deaf for the rest of her life.① She became blind so young that as she grew older, she did not remember being able to see; and she became deaf before she had any idea of the importance of human speech. She lived in darkness and silence.

  As she grew older, she, too, wanted to express her ideas and feelings. But she realized that she was cut off from others.

  Her parents were greatly worried. How could anyone get in touch with Helen's mind and intelligence (智力) in darkness and silence without speech? Helen was nearly seven before a teacher was found. Her name was Ann Sullivan.

  Miss Sullivan had a lot of difficulty in teaching Helen Keller. As the child could neither see nor hear, she had to use manual alphabet (手势字母). But Helen's energy and intelligence and strong spirit, combined (联合) with Miss Sullivans skill and patience, overcame all the difficulties. As Helen grew up, she became an able student, passed examinations and finally took a university degree in English literature (文学). She then devoted all herself to helping the blind and the deaf.② Her personal success, together with the work she had done for others, made her one of the greatest women in modern times. She wrote many books and “The Story of My Life” is a remarkable one.



  ① But when she was 19 months old, an attack of fever left her blind and deaf for the rest of her life. 但当她十九个月时,一场高烧给她留下终身的聋哑残疾。

  ② She then devoted all herself to helping the blind and the deaf.于是她投注自己

  的全部精力帮助盲人和聋哑人。devote oneself to doing sth.献身于做某事。


  1. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. Helen Keller was born blind and deaf.

  B. Helen Keller first became blind and then deaf.

  C. Helen Keller became blind and deaf in 1880.

  D. Helen Keller became blind and deaf sometime about January 1882.

  2. Helen was finally successful mainly because of ____ .

  A. her parents help

  B. the manual alphabet Miss Sullivan taught her

  C. the help she got when she took a degree

  D. her hard work, cleverness as well as Miss Sullivan's great efforts

  Passage 2


  In 1812, in a village near Paris, France, a little boy had a terrible accident. He hit himself in the eye with one of his father's sharp tools, and became blind. His name was Louis Braille①, and he was only four years old.

  He was a clever little boy, and he soon learned to “see” without his eyes. He touched things, or smelled them, or tasted them. His family described things to him. Although he couldn't see people's faces, he learned to recognize their voices.

  After his seventh birthday, Louis went to the little school in the village. But there weren't any books for him. His classmates read his lessons to him and his sisters helped him with his homework. He learned his lessons well, but he couldnt learn to read or write.

  In 1819, the village priest (牧师) told Louis Braille's story to the director of a famous school for blind boys. At this school, boys learned math, grammar, geography, history, and music. And they learned to read!

  Louis went to the school in Paris in February, 1819. He loved his classes and received high grades. He learned to play the piano and to knit (编织) hats and sweaters. And he learned to read — with his fingers!

  The raisedprint letters in the books at school stood up from the surface of the paper. Louis could feel them with his fingers. He was able to recognize some of them easily, but some of them were difficult. The letters had to be very large, and sometimes there were only a few letters on a page. The books were huge and heavy. And they were expensive. There were only fourteen books in the school library!

  Louis read the three or four books for his class again and again. He tried to think of a better way to make books for blind people. He experimented with new alphabets.

  After about three years, Louis invented a system of raised dots.② The other students thought Louis's system was wonderful. They were able to read it easily, and they learned to write, too.

  Today, there are thousands of Braille books for blind people.

  Louis Braille was only fifteen years old when he invented his wonderful system!



  ① Louis Braille路易斯·布莱叶(1809 — 1852) 他发明的“盲码”成为世界通用的“盲文”。

  ② a system of raised dots 一种凸点盲码系统


  1. Without his eyes, he could also “see” by ____ .

  A. touching things

  B. smelling or tasting things

  C. trying to recognize people's voices

  D. all the above ways

  2. He went to ____ in February, 1819.

  A. a famous school for blind boys in Paris

  B. a music school for blind people

  C. a private school for blind people

  D. a school for blind people far away from Paris

  3. Louis Braille became famous because he invented ____ .

  A. the English alphabet

  B. a system of raised dots to make books for blind people

  C. books for blind people to learn maths

  D. grammar books for blind people

  4. The main idea of this passage is that ____ .

  A. Louis was a good student at the school in Paris

  B. he learned to “see” with the help of books

  C. he invented a system of raised dots to make books easier for blind pe

  ople to read

  D. there are thousands of Braille books for blind people

  Passage 3


  Hank Viscardi was 26 years old when he put on his first pair of long trousers an

  d his first pair of shoes. For the first time he saw himself as he had always wa

  nted to be — a full five feet eight inches tall.

  Hank had been born without legs. Until he was seven, his world was a world of re

  peated operations. At last, he had no legs, but stumps (残肢) that could be fitt

  ed with a kind of special boots.①

  Out of the hospital, Hank often found people staring at him with cruel interest. Children laughed at him and called him “Ape Man (猿人) ” because his arms dragged on the ground.

  He went to school like other boys. His grades were good and he needed only eight years instead of the usual twelve.

  After graduation, Hank worked his way through college. He swept floors, waited on table, or worked in one of the college offices. During all this busy life, Hank had been moving around on his stumps. But one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longer. Hank would soon have to use a wheelchair.

  Hank felt himself go cold all over. However, the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificial legs.

  Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror and saw himself for the first time, five feet eight inches tall.

  But this was not the end yet. He had to learn to use his new legs. Again and again he marched the length of the room, and marched back again. There were times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marching. He went out onto the street. He climbed the stairs and learned to dance. He built a boat and learned to sail it.

  When World War II came, he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job.② He took the regular training. He marched and drilled (操练) along with the other soldiers. Few knew that he was legless. This was the true story of Hank Viscardi, the man without legs.



  ① At last, he had no legs, but stumps that could be fitted with a kind of special boots. 最后他失去了双腿,只剩下能够安装一种特制鞋子的残肢。

  ② He talked the Red Cross into giving him a job. 他说服红十字会组织给他一份工作。talk sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事。


  1. It can be inferred from the story that five feet eight inches is ____ .

  A. an average height for an adult

  B. too tall for an average person

  C. too short for an average person

  D. Hank's real height

  2. The writer implies in the story that the Red Cross ____ .

  A. was only too glad to give him a job

  B. gave him a job because he was a good soldier

  C. gave him a job after he talked to somebody he knew in the organization

  D. was not willing to give him a job at first

  3. When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers ____


  A. he did everything the other soldiers did

  B. he did most of the things the other soldiers did

  C. he took some regular exams

  D. he took some special training

  4. The writer thought that Hank Viscardi ____ .

  A. had no friends

  B. never saw himself as different from others

  C. was very shy

  D. was too proud to accept help from others

  Passage 4


  Some people cannot learn in ordinary schools. Physical or 1 handicap (残疾) prevents a child from learning. Today new 2 are being used in special schools to help the disabled 3.

  A school is being 4 in New Jersey, USA. It is called Bancroft. Here the disabled will be trained to 5 themselves and to get along in the outside world.①

  Bancroft is not surrounded by 6 of any kind. Its director insists that it be 7 so that students may gradually develop 8 relations with the rest of the world. Bancroft students will 9 in apartments, cooking their own meals, and learning to perform other 10. As they become 11, they will buy their own furniture, paying for it out of their own 12. They will pay for their food, too. They will learn to expect 13 bills for the calls they make every month.

  As a step toward the goal of becoming independent②, each disabled person will decide what kind of work he wants to be 14 to do. While some of the training will be 15 on within Bancroft itself, most of the students will receive 16 training in nearby towns. They will be trained by town people.

  After the training has been 17 completed, the student will work 18 an assistant and will begin to earn money. After that he will leave Bancroft, 19 the school will continue to give him help if he 20 it.



  ① to get along in the outside world 与外界相处。

  ② as a step toward the goal of becoming independent作为实现自立这一目标的一步


  1. A. mindB. mentalC. thought D. spirit

  2. A. plansB. decisionsC. toolsD. methods

  3. A. learnB. liveC. earnD. play

  4. A. turned upB. set upC. searched forD. longed for

  5. A. enjoyB. teachC. devoteD. support

  6. A. trainersB. studentsC. treesD. walls

  7. A. freeB. openC. quietD. different

  8. A. specialB. familiarC. normalD. close

  9. A. liveB. studyC. hideD. cook

  10. A. operationsB. tasksC. playsD. acts

  11. A. strongB. healthyC. ableD. happy

  12. A. handsB. wealthC. earningsD. abilities

  13. A. telephoneB. educationC. housingD. food

  14. A. askedB. sentC. trainedD. made

  15. A. takenB. calledC. triedD. carried

  16. A. lifeB. jobC. bodyD. mind

  17. A. successfullyB. graduallyC. quicklyD. hardly

  18. A. withB. forC. likeD. as

  19. A. andB. butC. soD. or

  20. A. needsB. asksC. getsD. offers

  Passage 1




  Passage 2


  1. D文章第二段讲述了他“看”世界的方式。

  2. A答案在第四段第一句和第五段第一句中可找到。

  3. B他发明了供盲人阅读的布莱叶码。

  4. C由全文内容可知。

  Passage 3

  本文介绍了Hank Viscardi的真实故事。他生来没有双腿,但他不甘受命运的摆布,以惊人的毅力站了起来,并实现了自己的人生价值。

  1.A从文章第一段“as he had always wanted to be — a full five feet eight inches tall”这句话中可得知答案。

  2.D从文章最后一段中的“...he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job.”可得出答案。


  4.B从文章最后两段可看出,只要是正常人能做到的,Hank Viscardi也做到了。

  Passage 4




  3.Aspecial schools是专门帮助残疾人学习的地方。

  4.Bset up 意为“建立”。

  5.Dsupport oneself 意为“养活自己”。下文有照应。




  9.Aapartments 意为“公寓”,和动词live in搭配。

  10.Bperform tasks 是固定搭配,表示“履行任务;责任”。

  11.Cable 表示“有能力的”,与disable互为反义。

  12.C买家具、买食品都要靠自己挣钱。pay for sth. out of one's earnings意为“从自己的收入中拿出钱购买(偿还)”。

  13.Amake calls 意为“打电话”。telephone bills 意为“电话帐单”。

  14.C下文 training 有暗示。

  15.Dcarry on 意为“进行”。

  16.B上文 “what kind of work he wants to be trained” 有交代。job 与work同义。






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