Unit 21 Who gets the money |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/18 10:38 新浪教育 |
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抓关键词 我们在阅读中若能很好地理解中心句,那么对文章中围绕中心句的解释、举例部分,只要抓住关键词快速浏览就可以了,对于生僻的词(尤其是人名、地名),若时间不够就可以放过。关键词往往在道理的阐述、人物的刻画、气氛的渲染中起着关键作用,因而应准确地抓住它们。 寻找关键词语的一般顺序为:理解问题主语中的名词 → 谓语动词(通常是行为动词) → 宾语部分的名词 。我们应首先将注意力集中在理解题上,将每个问题中的1 — 3个关键词标出来,然后将这几个关键词当作答案标示牌,通过对文章的快速扫描,在文章中查找与之相同、相近或相关的词语,从而直接、快速地找出与之相匹配的正确答案。 Passage 1 阅读理解………………………………………………………………… Sherlock Holmes is considered by many people to be the greatest detective in stories. He is, in fact, more famous than his own creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.① In the popular series of stories, Holmes is described as “ tall and manly (有男子气概的)”. Doyle gave Holmes address as 221B Baker Street, London, and to this day some visitors to London still go to Baker Street to search for 221B. Of course, there never was really any such address. Holmes flat was supposed to be shared by the lovable (可爱的人), but sometimes clumsy (笨拙的) Dr Watson, who went around with Holmes and tried to solve problems before Holmes did. Poor Dr Watson lost out to Holmes every time.② Doyle gave Holmes a masterly skill of deduction (推断) — the ability to come up with interesting conclusions from the simplest clues (线索) found at the scene of a crime (犯罪现场). Conan Doyle said that the description of Holmes was modelled on one of his lecturers at Edinburgh University, where he studied medicine. The man was Dr Joseph Bell. The name of Sherlock Holmes first came to be shown in Doyle' s “A Study in Scarlet” published in 1887. Holmes was so loved by all that when his author killed him off in one of his stories, readers wrote in angrily. They refused to allow Holmes to die! Holmes was brought back to “life” and appeared in further stories. The stories of Sherlock Holmes have been reprinted many times ever since then. Today we can watch Holmes at work on cinema and television screens as well as on stage. 注释 ……………………………… ①He is, in fact, more famous than his own creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 创造福尔摩斯这个角色的作家阿瑟·柯南道尔也没福尔摩斯有名。 ②Poor Dr Watson lost out to Holmes every time. 可怜的华生每次都输给了福尔摩斯。lose out to sb./sth. 被某人或某事物战胜或取代。 根据文章内容,选择正确答案: 1. Sherlock Holmes was ____ . A. the greatest detective who ever lived B. Dr Joseph Bell C. Arthur Conan Doyle D. only a character made up by Arthur Doyle 2. Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. Some visitors to London still go to Baker Street to see Holmes. B. Dr Watson usually solved crimes before Holmes did. C. Dr Joseph Bell once gave a lecture to Holmes at Edinburgh University. D. Holmes is better known than Conan Doyle. 3.Doyle made up the description of Holmes ____ . A. from his own imagination B. based on a famous London doctor C. based on Dr Joseph Bell at Edinburgh University D. based on a model of Holmes 4. Doyle' s readers were angry when he ____ . A. couldn't write any more stories of Holmes B. wrote badly of Holmes C. wrote too many stories of Holmes D. killed Holmes off in one of his stories Passage 2 阅读理解………………………………………………………………… Conan Doyle became famous for writing stories about Detective Holmes. So he was often asked to settle puzzling problems. One day, a woman told him a strange story. Her husband had died 5 years before, and a grave had been built for him. The grave was built like this: on the huge stone base was a big stone ball, in the front of which a cross (十字架) was cut. The ball would move in winter and the cross in the stone ball could hardly be seen. Conan Doyle decided to see how matters stood with the woman.① The grave was just like what the woman had told him. And nobody could move the stone ball, which was put in a very shallow(浅) hole in the stone base so as not to roll off. There was water in the hole, too. He thought for a while and then said to the woman, “The problem is easy to explain. It' s very cold and often rains or snows here. So there is always water in the hole. The water turns into ice at night. During the day, the southern part of the ice in the hole turns into water again while the northern part of it still remains ice, so the stone ball leans(倾斜) southward little by little and the cross in the stone ball moves downwards with the ball.②” 注释 ……………………………… ①Conan Doyle decided to see how matters stood with the woman. 柯南道尔决定看看是什么问题困扰着那位妇女。 ②...so the stone ball leans southward little by little and the cross in the stone ball moves downwards with the ball. ……所以石球逐渐向南倾斜,而石球上的十字架也伴随着一起倾斜。 根据文章内容,选择正确答案: 1. Which of the following has the similar meaning as the word “grave”? A. bedB. tombC. boxD. hall 2. Why did the woman have her husband's grave built like that? A. It was Conan Doyle's idea. B. Sherlock Holmes told her to do so. C. Her husband told her to do so before he died. D. The story said nothing about it. 3. After reading the story we can see that Conan Doyle was a man ____ . A. who was always ready to help others B. who wrote a lot of funny stories C. that was careful and thoughtful D. that always explained funny problems Passage 3 阅读理解………………………………………………………………… Treasure hunts (寻宝) have excited people's imagination for hundreds of years both in real life and in books such as Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island①. Kit Williams, a modern writer, had the idea of connecting the real excitement of a treasure hunt with clues (线索) found in a book when he wrote a children's story, Masquerade, in 1979. The book was about a hare, and a month before it came out Williams buried a large number of clues to help readers find the hare, but Williams put in a lot of “ red herrings”, or false clues, to mislead them. Ken Roberts, the man who found the hare, had been looking for it for nearly two years. Although he had been searching in the wrong area most of the time, he found it by logic (逻辑), not by luck. His success came from the fact that he had gained an important clue at the start. He had realized that the words “One of Six to Eight” under the first picture in the book connected the hare in some way to Katherine of Aragon, the first of Henry VIII's six wives. Even here, however, Williams had succeeded in misleading him. Ken knew that Katherine of Aragon had died at Kim Bolton in Cambridge in 1536 and thought that Williams had buried the hare there. He had been digging there for over a year before a new idea occurred to him. He found out that Kit Williams had spent his childhood near Ampthill, in Bedfordshire, and thought that he must have buried the hare in a place he knew well, but he still could not see the connection with Katherine of Aragon, until one day he came across two stone crosses in Ampthill Park and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773.② Even then his search had not come to an end. It was only after he had spent several nights digging around the cross that he decided to write to Kit Williams to find if he was wasting his time there. Williams encouraged him to continue, and on February 24th, 1982, he found the treasure. It was worth £3, 000 in the beginning, but the excitement it had caused made it much more valuable. 注释 ……………………………… ①Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island 罗伯·路易丝·史蒂文森的名著《金银岛》。 ②...one day he came across two stone crosses in Ampthill Park and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773. ……一天他在Ampthill公园看到两个石头制成的十字架,他明白了这是1773年为了纪念她而建造的。 根据文章内容,选择正确答案: 1. The underlined word “them” (in paragraph 1) refers to ____ . A. red herringsB. treasure hunts C. Henry's six wivesD. readers of Masquerade 2. What is the most important clue in the story to help Ken Roberts find the hare? A. Two stone crosses in Ampthill.B. Stevenson' s Treasure Island. C. Katherine of Aragon.D. Williams hometown. 3. The stone crosses in Ampthill were built ____ . A. to tell about what happened in 1773 B. to show respect for Henry's first wife C. to serve as a road sign in Ampthill Park D. to inform people where the gold hare was Passage 4 完形填空………………………………………………………………… I was living in New York when my father called. He was working in the city and 1 we meet for dinner. I knew a German restaurant I figured hed like and was 2 to be able to recommend (推荐) it.① But more pleasing, and surprising to me, was the way the dinner had. For this time he didnt spend the whole time giving advice I didn't want. He talked with me. I walked him to the bus stop. He was waiting there. My father had 3 been a thickbodied sixfooter. Now I saw how thin and shrunken (萎缩) he was. He then told me something that 4 me. He said he still 5, inside his head, like a young man, and couldn't 6 hed passed 60. “You dont know, at your age, how fast time goes,” he said. He paused and then added, “If I never really talked with you boys as much as I' d have liked to, it was because there was so 7 time and so much I had to teach you. I just didnt want you to make all the mistakes I made. I wanted you to 8 from some of the troubles I had.” I wanted to say, “Thank you, dad, for telling me that.” I knew at last I was a man to my father.② We could talk with each other. But I was too 9 by the evening to say what I was feeling. It was the last 10 we ever had. I was in Florida on a business trip when I 11 home. Virgiebelle was there with my mother. Dad had had a stroke (中风) the previous night, after coming home from work. Hed always said he wanted to work till the day he died. He got his wish.③ My wish, for another talk with my father, would go unfinished. I now know things I didnt know 12 my father was alive. Time 13 go very fast. There is so much to teach my boy and so little time: Ive 14 him change from baby to child to boy in less time certainly than I took. I know the temptation (引诱) always to be telling him things, the things hell 15 to survive (生存), to be a good person. But I remembered my fathers final lesson: My boy will learn by 16 I am and what I do far more than 17 what I tell him. When Eric, aged eight, says, “Dad, can we 18?” I put down my book and say, “ 19.” I think for a second he wants my advice about something, but then I remember. He doesn't want 20. He just wants to talk. 注释 ……………………………… ①I knew a German restaurant I figured hed like and was pleased to be able to recommend it. 我认识一家估计父亲会喜欢的德国餐馆,所以很乐意向他推荐。 ②I knew at last I was a man to my father. 我知道对于父亲来讲,最终我会成为一个男子汉。 ③He got his wish. 他如愿以偿。 根据文章内容,选择正确答案: 1. A. wishedB. explainedC. expectedD. suggested 2. A. pleasedB. interestedC. proudD. willing 3. A. onceB. justC. always D. already 4. A. worriedB. surprisedC. satisfiedD. disappointed 5. A. thoughtB. lookedC. soundedD. felt 6. A. expectB. thinkC. suggestD. believe 7. A. littleB. muchC. shortD. long 8. A. spareB. saveC. help D. teach 9. A. worriedB. nervous C. excitedD. frightened 10. A. dayB. wordC. dinnerD. conversation 11. A. calledB. wentC. arrivedD. stayed 12. A. whatB. whenC. thoughD. because 13. A. reallyB. doesC. alwaysD. often 14. A. noticedB. seenC. foundD. watched 15. A. haveB. learnC. needD. try 16. A. whatB. whereC. howD. which 17. A. inB. aboutC. byD. all 18. A. startB. beginC. playD. talk 19. A. ReallyB. SureC. NoD. Wait 20. A. playB. talkC. adviceD. anything Passage 1 本文简单介绍了著名侦探作家柯南道尔所创作的人物福尔摩斯和华生医生的一些情况。 1. D福尔摩斯是柯南道尔笔下的人物。 2. D从文章第一段的最后一句话可知。 3. C文章的第四段有提示。 4. D根据第五段内容可以得出结论。 Passage 2 本文主要通过一个具体的事例来证明柯南道尔是一个很聪明的人,他能解决很多的疑难问题。 1.B从上下文可判断。她的丈夫死后,为他建造了一座坟墓。 2.D作者在文章中没有提到那个妇女为什么要把他丈夫的坟墓建造成那样。 3.C此故事就是用来证明柯南道尔是一个观察仔细并善于动脑筋的人。 Passage 3 本文主要讲述了一个众人寻宝的故事,Ken Roberts,一个聪明并善于逻辑分析的人最终获得了宝藏。 1.Dthem在这里指代根据故事去寻宝的读者。 2.C从文章的第二段的第四句可以得出结论。 3.B根据文章的第二段的最后一句话可以得出正确答案。 Passage 4 本文主要通过作者对父亲教育方式的反思,觉得在教育小孩时父母应该和子女交流,而不应给予建议。 1.D只有suggest表示“建议”之后跟从句时,从句才使用虚拟语气。 2.A能够向父亲推荐这一餐馆自然是高兴了。 3.A父亲曾经是身材魁梧的六尺男儿。 4.B从下文可知,作者是对父亲的话感到吃惊。 5.D父亲感觉自己还很年轻。 6.D从上文可知,父亲感觉年轻,自然不相信自己已有60岁了。 7.A从上文可知自然是没有时间了。与下文相对应。 8.B父亲想用自己的经历来告诉“我”,人生中会出现的一些麻烦,这样“我”就可以避免了。 9.C作者太兴奋以至于说不出自己的感受来。 10.D从下文可知,这是作者和父亲最后一次谈话。 11.A作者是在外出差,所以只能给家里打电话。 12.B指父亲活着时候的情况。 13.B此处用does来表示强调,其余选项谓语形式均不对。 14.Dwatch表示一直注视着。 15.C指为人父应告诉子女的事情,子女需要了解的事情。 16.A和下文的what呼应。 17.C与16空格前的介词 “by” 平行。 18.D从文章最后可推出。 19.B作者当然会立即同意。 20.C儿子想要的并不是建议,而只是交流。 1. He had been digging there for over a year before a new idea occurred to him.一直挖了一年多以后,他才想到一个新方法。(Paragraph 2, Passage 3) a new idea occurred to him 他(突然)想起一个新主意。类似的表达方式还有: An idea came into my mind. 我突然想出了一个主意。 Suddenly a good idea struck me. 我突然想出了一个好主意。 She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售的新主意。 She hit upon a good title for her new novel. 她突然为她的新小说想出了一个很好的书名。 2. I was in Florida on a business trip when I called home. 当我打电话回家的时候,我正在弗罗里达出差。(Paragraph 7, Passage 4) 介词on 有“在进行之中,处于……情况”等意思。 The teacher is away on holiday this week. 教师本周休假。(on holiday 在度假) The house is on fire! 房子着火了!(on fire 在着火) Impressionist paintings are on exhibition/show at the art gallery. 美术馆正在举行印象派画展。 (on exhibition/show在展览) He went home on leave. 他告假回家。(on leave 在休假) He went to London on business. 他因公事去伦敦。(on business因公) |
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