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Unit 11 Dates, months and seasons
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 19:19  新浪教育


  猜测生词词义是阅读中必不可少的环节, 大致有以下几种方法:

  ①用定义线索:在出现生词的上下文中,有时能找到对该词所下的定义,我们可以根据它的定义猜出该词意义。例如:Semantics is the study of the meaning of words.我们也许不知道划线单词的词义,单从给出的定义(对词汇意义的学习研究)就可猜出它的意义是“语义学”。

  ②通过同义词猜词:一是要看由 and 或 or 连接的同义词词组,如 happy and gay, 即使我们不认识gay 这个词,也可以知道它是愉快的意思;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词,如 Man has known something about the planetsVenus、Mars and Juptier.Venus(金星)、Mars(火星)、Juptier(木星)均为生词,但只要知道 planets 就可猜出这几个词都属于“行星”这一领域。

  Passage 1


  We often talk about weather.If we want to know about the weather, we can turn on the radio to listen to the weather report.We can also turn on the TV to watch the weather report.We can also ask other people in two different ways.The first way is: What's the weather like outside? The second way is: How is the weather?

  When it's cold outside,we shiver (颤抖)and wear warm clothes.When it's raining outside, we need raincoats or umbrellas.When it's hot, we sweat(出汗) and want a cold drink.


  Is it hot or cold, cool or warm? The temperature goes up and down. When the sun comes up, it warms the air and the temperature goes up. When the sun goes down, the air gets cooler and the temperature goes down.


  Is the air calm and still, or is the wind blowing? The wind is moving air.We cant see the wind, but we can feel it. We can see the wind moves the branches of trees, or carries a kite higher and higher, or blows your hat off.①


  The rain is raining all around. It falls on field and tree. It rains on the umbrellas(伞) here, and on the ships at sea.

  (This is a famous poem written by the famous British poet Robert Louis Stevenson.)


  In winter, if the temperature drops low enough, we get snow. Snowflakes fall as snow. They may look like little bits of white. They have six sides. But do you know that every snowflake is different? Each snowflake has its own beautiful design of tiny ice crystals(结晶).We can often see six designs.


  ①We can see the wind moves the branches of trees, or carries a kite higher and higher, or blows your hat off.我们可以看到风吹动树枝,或者使飘动的风筝越来越高,或者把你的帽子吹掉。


  1.How can we know about the weather?


  2.When does the air get cooler and the temperature go down?


  3.Can you see the wind?


  4.Do you like a rainy day?


  5.How many sides do snowflakes have?


  Passage 2


  Have you ever been to Beijing, our capital? It's far away from Guangzhou. It's 2,313 kilometres from Beijing to Guangzhou.The city of Kunming is 2,216 kilometres away form Guangzhou. It's always warm there. But it's very hot in summer in Wuhan. Changsha is near Guangzhou. It's 726 kilometres from Changsha to Guangzhou.Do you know which city is the bigger in China? It's Shanghai. It's 1,811 kilometres from Guangzhou to Shanghai.

  If you travel by air, you'll find it very interesting and fast enough to fly from Guangzhou to Beijing.① It only takes you about four hours and you'll get there easily, safely and unhurriedly. But travelling by train is quite different.You have to stay on the train for more than thirty hours to arrive in Beijing. More and more people like to travel by air.You can see why,can't you ?


  ①If you travel by air, youll find it very interesting and fast enough to fly from Guangzhou to Beijing .



  1.If you have been to Beijing, our capital, you'll know ____ .

  A. it's not far away from all the other cities in China

  B. you have to travel long by land form Guangzhou to Beijing

  C. it's not far away from us all

  D. it's not far away from Guangzhou

  2.From the passage we know ____ has the longest way to Guangzhou EXCEPT Beijing .

  A. WuhanB. Changsha C. ShanghaiD. Kunming

  3.Which is WRONG? ____

  A. Wuhan is very hot in summer.

  B. It's warm in winter in Guangzhou.

  C. It's as warm in winter in Kunming as in Beijing.

  D. It's 1,084 kilometres from Wuhan to Guangzhou.

  4.Which is RIGHT? ____

  A. Kunming is 2,216 kilometres away from Beijing.

  B. It's 726 kilometres away from Guangzhou to Changsha.

  C. Beijing is the biggest city in China.

  D. Guangzhou is the biggest city in China.

  5.Why do more and more people in China like to travel by air? Because ____


  A. it is faster and more interesting than by train

  B. Chinese people like planes

  C. travelling by train is much cheaper

  D. it is more expensive and faster than by train

  Passage 3


  Mr White was a chicken farmer. He had hundreds of chickens, and sold the eggs and the meat and got quite a lot of money from them. But he lived in a very hot part of the country. He found that his hens could hardly lay(产蛋)any eggs in summer. So he decided to put airconditioning(空调) into his henhouse(鸡窝),then the hens would lay well all through the year, and he could get more eggs, and in that way get more money.①

  The boss of the airconditioning company came to see him, and when he saw Mr White's house, he thought that he might be able to persuade (说服)him to buy an airconditioning for that too.

  “Your wife would be much happier to have a nicer house to live in then.” he said to Mr White. But Mr White was not interested.


  ①...then the hens would lay well all through the year, and he could get more eggs, and in that way get more money.……这样他的鸡将会长年下蛋,他能得到更多的鸡蛋,通过这种方法他能赚更多的钱。


  Mr White h(1) hundreds of chickens. He wanted to get quite a lot of money from them very m(2). But he found the hens could lay f(3) eggs when the w(4)was hot, so he decided to b(5)an airconditioning. The boss of the company hoped to s(6) Mr White more airconditionings so that he could get m(7)money. But Mr White thought airconditionings in his house wouldnt b(8) him money. He only wanted to p(9) less money and get m(10).


  of course ,write back ,after ,hold ,snowman ,grow ,become,

  but ,so ,really ,busy ,harvest ,wear ,skate tell

  Dear Wang Wei,

  I was glad to get your letter last Sunday.You (1) me about the weather in your country. Here in Canada we have four seasons in the year, too. But in our country, spring is usually cold in most parts of the country.It comes in February. We can still go (2) in some places.

  Summer is usually (3) than in China. Early in the morning it is so cold that we usually(4) sweaters.

  Autumn comes after summer.It is also the (5) time.Farmers are usually (6) getting the crops in.In autumn,Canadians like to watch maples(枫树)in the parks or on the hills. They are(7) beautiful.

  Winter is the coldest season of the year.It is often freezingly cold. There is thick ice on the rivers or lakes. Children like to go skating there. (8) they should wear warm, thick coats. Or they will catch a cold.

  I have to stop now. Please write back soon.All the best!


  Passage 1


  1. We can turn the radio to listen to the weather report and also turn on the TV to watch the weather report or ask other people. 第一自然段告诉人们想知道天气情况可以通过以上几种途径。

  2. When the sun goes down, the air gets cooler and the temperature goes down. 第三自然段告诉我们气温的变化情况。

  3. No, we can't. 第四自然段告诉人们:“We can't see the wind.”

  4. Yes, I do./No, I dont.对于这个问题的回答要因人而宜,有人喜欢雨天,有人不喜欢雨天,所以答案是开放的。

  5. They have six sides.最后一自然段告诉人们雪花有六面。

  Passage 2


  1. B由第一自然段这两句话“It's far away from Guangzhou .It's 2,313 kilometres from Beijing to Guangzhou.”可知答案应选B。

  2. D昆明离广州2,216公里远, 长沙离广州726公里远,上海离广州1,811公里远,通过对比来看,除了北京之外,离广州最远的是昆明。

  3. CA、B、D三个选项都与事实相符,只有C项与实事不符。

  4. BA、C、D、三个选项都与事实不符, 而B项符合事实。

  5. A由短文的第二自然段中的首句可知,“为什么在中国越来越多的人喜欢乘飞机旅行?” “因为它比火车更快更有趣。”

  Passage 3

  本文记叙了一位养鸡专业户创造好效益,使自己生意兴隆的经过。同时也反映了他勤俭持家的经营之道。给我们的启示是:要想获得成功的自豪感, 你就必须付出辛苦。

  1. had。由短文的第一自然段的第二句话可知。

  2. much。本句考查的是固定搭配的用法。very much 表示“非常;很”。

  3. few。由句子“He found that his hens could hardly lay any eggs in summer.” 可知此空的答案。

  4. weather。由第一自然段的第三句话可知,“他居住在这个国家的一个很炎热的地方。”

  5. buy。因为他自己没有空调, 如果想用当然得去买了。

  6. sell。本句的大意是“公司的老板希望卖给Mr White更多的空调,从而他能赚更多的钱。”因此本空填sell。

  7. more。见上题的解释。

  8. bring。由句意可知, 本空应该是bring him money,言外之意是赚钱的意思。

  9. pay。本空的意思是“支付(花费)更少的钱”,pay less money。

  10. more。本空的意思是“赚更多的钱”,get more money。这也是Mr White 的理财之道。

  1.If you travel by air, youll find it very interesting and fast enough to fly from Guangzhou to Beijing .(见Line 7—8, Passage 2)如果你坐飞机旅行,你会发现它很有趣,而且从广州飞到北京的速度也够快了。

  “find it +形容词+to do sth.”意为“发现做某事……”还可转换成“find+从句(it +be +形容词)”形式。如:I find it easy to skate on the real ice.我发现在真正的冰上滑冰很容易。=I find that it is easy to skate on the real ice.

  2. ...he thought that he might be able to persuade (说服)him to buy an airconditioning for that too.(见Line 8—9, Passage 3)……他认为能说服他为他的房间也买个空调。

  be able to 意思是“能” ,后接动词的原形,而且用于各种时态中。如:We will be able to pass the exam if we study hard.如果我们努力学习的话,将能通过考试。


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