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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/21 13:27  英语辅导报

  1.【误】These flowers are specially beautiful when they are in full bloom.

  【正】These flowers are especially beautiful when they are in full bloom.


  2. 【误】We have never seen as beautiful picture as that.

  【正】We have never seen as beautiful a picture as that.

  【析】as ... as中间的形容词如果修饰名词,要将名词放在不定冠词之后,一般不可数名词和复数名词不用此结构。

  3. 【误】He had such many falls that he was black and blue all over.

  【正】He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.


  如果主句中名词前有many, much, little (少), few作定语时,要用副词so修饰这些形容词,不可以用such。

  4. 【误】They are so little children that they can not understand what you say sometimes.

  【正】They are such little children that they can not understand what you say sometimes.

  【析】little在名词前作定语表示"小"时,用"such little+名词";若little在名词前作定语表示"少"时,用"so little+名词"。

  5. 【误】He said that he had joined the Party in 1995.

  【正】He said that he joined the Party in 1995.


  6. 【误】I met Mr Wang in the bus on one day.

  【正】I met Mr Wang in the bus one day.

  【析】在表示时间的名词前有one, some, the other, every, this, that, these或those时,其前不再用任何介词。

  7. 【误】It is the first time we will visit the Summer Palace.

  【正】It is the first time we have visited the Summer Palace.

  【析】the first time引导表语从句时,若在is或will be之后作表语,从句用现在完成时;若在was之后作表语,从句谓语用过去完成时。

  8. 【误】If I fail, I'll try the second time.

  【正】If I fail, I'll try a second time.


  9. 【误】She must be very sorry for such a thing, mustn't she?

  【正】She must be very sorry for such a thing, isn't she?


  10. 【误】We should excuse him to be rude, because he is still a child.

  【正】We should excuse him for being rude, because he is still a child.

  【析】表示"原谅某人做某事"时,用excuse sb. for doing sth.这一固定搭配,不可以用"excuse sb. to do sth."。

  11. 【误】The boy had many difficulty in working out the maths problem.

  【正】The boy had much difficulty in working out the maths problem.

  【析】difficulty意为"困难"时,相当于trouble,是不可数名词,其前可以用some, much, little, no, any等修饰,但不可以用many修饰。

  12. 【误】Can you explain me the meaning of the word?

  【正】Can you explain to me the meaning of the word?

  【析】表示"向某人解释某事"时,应用explain to sb. sth.或explain sth. to sb.,这一用法与teach, tell, give等动词之后接双宾语不同。

  13. 【误】The reason why he was absent was because he was ill.

  【正】The reason why he was absent was that he was ill.

  【析】表示"……的原因是……"时,应用"The reason...is / was that+主语+谓语+..."这一结构, 不可以把that换成because。

  14. 【误】We saw off her for Shanghai yesterday.

  【正】We saw her off for Shanghai yesterday.

  【析】see off表示"送行"时,若用名词作宾语,放在off之后或see与off之间;若用代词作宾语,必须放在see与off之间。

  15. 【误】Do you think who will win the game?

  【正】Who do you think will win the game?

  【析】Do you think (believe, suppose) 等后面接疑问代词或疑问副词引导的宾语从句时,应把疑问代词或疑问副词移至do前。

  16. 【误】The TV play is very popular in young people.

  【正】The TV play is very popular with young people.

  【析】be very popular表示"很受欢迎"时,与in连用,其后接指地点的名词;也可以与with连用,其后接指人的名词。

  17. 【误】The Browns are on their holiday.

  【正】The Browns are on holiday.

  【析】on holiday意为"在度假",其中holiday前不能加物主代词或冠词。

  (文/赵忠西; 英语通高一版 04~05学年度第8期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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