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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/21 13:29  英语辅导报



  1) The teacher asked me,"Are you the monitor?"

  The teacher asked me if / whether I was the monitor. 老师问我是否是班长。

  2)"Do you want me to help you?" she asked me.

  She asked if I wanted her to help me. 她问我是否要她帮忙。


  3) Mother asked me, "Do you like the dress or the skirt?"

  Mother asked me whether I liked the dress or the skirt. 妈妈问我是喜欢套装还是喜欢裙子。

  4) Li Ming asked Tom, "Are you going to buy the dictionary or the magazine?"

  Li Ming asked Tom whether he was going to buy the dictionary or the magazine.李明问汤姆他是要买词典还是要买杂志。

  三、直接引语如果是反意疑问句,变成间接引语时,可以用if或whether引导。如果主句中的谓语动词是said,要改为asked,没有间接宾语的可以加一个间接宾语me, him或us等。如:

  5)"The Red Star over China is a popular book, isn't it?" she said.

  She asked (me) if / whether The Red Star over China was a popular book. 她问我《红星照中国》是否是一本很流行的书。

  6)"You are good at English songs, are you?" the teacher said to Hang Lijuan.

  The teacher asked Hang Lijuan if / whether she was good at English songs.老师问杭黎鹃是否擅长英文歌曲。


  7)"What are you talking about?" Li Hai asked them.

  Li Hai asked them what they were talking about. 李海问他们正在谈论什么。

  8)"Where did you go last Friday?" she asked me.

  She asked me where I had gone the Friday before. 她问我上星期五去哪儿了。


  9) Xiao Ming asked the teacher, "Does the earth go round the sun?"

  Xiao Ming asked the teacher whether / if the earth goes round the sun. 小明问老师地球是不是绕着太阳转。

  注意:2) 如果直接引语中有情态动词must,则无论表示引语的动词为何种时态, must 都不变。如:

  10)"Must I really go away now?" she asked me.

  She asked me whether / if she really must go away then. 她问我是否她真的要走开。


  1. The biology teacher asked, "Do the leaves come out in spring or in summer?"将此句 转换成间接引语:

  The biology teacher asked whether the leaves ________ in spring or in summer.

  A. come out B. came out C. should come out D. would come out

  2. Mary asked, "Shall I do that?" This sentence means ________ .

  A. Mary asked that she would do that

  B. Mary asked that she should do that

  C. Mary asked whether she should do that

  D. Mary hoped that she would do that

  3. The man asked, "Is there anything else I can do?"将此句转换成间接引语:

  A. The man asked was there anything else he can do.

  B. The man asked there was anything else he could do.

  C. The man asked if there was anything else I could do.

  D. The man asked whether there was anything else he could do.

  4. The teacher asked, "Where are you going, John?"将此句转换成间接引语:

  A. The teacher asked where was John going.

  B. The teacher asked him where John was going.

  C. The teacher asked John where was he going.

  D. The teacher asked John where he was going.


  1-4 ACDD

  (文/叶志萍; 英语通高一版 04~05学年度第8期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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