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浅析 have+object+doing 的结构与意思
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/17 16:00  英语辅导报

  现行英语教材高一(下册) Unit 15有这样一句话:Well, some TV programmes and computer games are a bit like plays—you have characters playing different roles and acting out a story. 嗯,一些电视节目及计算机游戏有点像戏剧——你让人物扮演不同的角色并演出一个故事。(《中学教材全解》高一英语(下),第三次修订本,陕西人民教育出版社,p.94)笔者认为,句中的have不是“让”的意思。


  [Tng]句型指subject主语+transitive verb及物动词+direct object直接宾语:non-finite clause (noun (phrase) / pronoun+-ing form)非限定短语(名词(短语)[代词]+-ing形式)。例如:

  We watched the men destroying the furniture. 我们看到那些男的正在毁坏家具。

  The porter heard someone slamming the door. 搬运工听见有人用力关门的声音。

  Most verbs in this pattern are ‘perception’ verb. 这一模式的大多数动词都是“感知”动词。(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版增补本,p.1883)

  [Cn·g]句型指subject主语+complex-transitive verb复合及物动词+direct object直接宾语+object complement: non-finite clause宾语补语:非限定短语(-ing形式)

  This remark set everyone thinking. 这番话引起大家思考。

  The look on Bill's face had me trembling with fear. 比尔的脸色吓得我直发抖。

  The policeman got the traffic moving. 那个警察把来往车辆指挥得动了起来。

  In this pattern, the object complement tells us what the object is made to do or is kept doing. 在这一模式里,宾语补语表明宾语所代表的人或事物被迫做什么或做着什么。Only the verbs shown in the table are used in this pattern. 只有这个表里的动词才可用于这一模式。Of these, set, have, get and start are ‘causative’ verbs ( ie verbs meaning ‘cause something to happen’)在这些动词中,set,have,get,start是“使役”动词(即意为“使某事发生”的动词)。(《牛

  津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版增补本, p.1887)


  have: [Tng] experience the results of sb.'s actions经受(某人的行动所产生的结果)。

  We've got people phoning up from all over the world. 我们接到人们从世界各地打来的电话。

  They have orders coming in at the rate of 30 an hour. 他们每小时接到30份定单。


  have: [Cn·g] cause sb. to do sth使某人做某事

  She had her audience listening attentively. 她使听众听得入神。

  The film had us all sitting on the edges of our seats with excitement. 这部影片让我们大家激动不已。



  have用于[Tng]句型,have与have got可通用,如上面的一个例子:We've got people phoning up from all over the world. 我们接到人们从世界各地打来的电话。doing不是宾语补语,sb. doing看作一个短语作have的宾语。have用于[Cn·g]句型,它是行为动词,其后不可用got,doing是宾语补足语。从逻辑上理解,整句话的主语是sb. doing sth. 的原因。例如:The film had us all sitting on the edges of our seats with excitement. the film是us all sitting的原因。这个句子相当于Because of the film (Because the film was very interesting), we all kept sitting on the edges of our seats with excitement.

  简言之,have用于[Tng]句型,have后可用got,have不是“使役”动词,sb. doing是宾语;have用于[Cn·g]句型,have后不可用got,have是“使役”动词,doing是宾语补足语。

  再看教材中的句子:Well, some TV programmes and computer games are a bit like plays—you have characters playing different roles and acting out a story. 句中的you是泛指代词,也可用we或one。这个句子不可以改为:...because of you, characters keep playing different roles and acting out a story. 因为“you”不是“导演”,而是“观众”,观众没有权利使演员干某事,即:句中的have不是“使役”动词。它可改为:...you have got characters playing different roles and acting out a story. 或:...there are characters playing different roles and acting out a story. 所以,这个句子属于[Tng]句型。如上所述,用于[Tng]句型的动词大多是“感知”动词,而“感知”动词+sb. +do sth. 的句型中,do sth. 可改为一个定语从句。例如:You watch actors who act out dialogues and perform scenes. (SB 1B, p.20) [Tng]句型中的have后可用got,说明have的意思接近“有”,因此,doing就接近sb. / sth. 的定语。如果把We've got people phoning up from all over the world. 改为We've got people who are phoning up from all over the world. 也未尝不可。

  因此,这个句子应该译为:但是,有些电视节目和电脑游戏有一点像戏剧,有人物扮演不同角色,表演故事情节。(《教师教学用书》 英语第一 册(下), p.244)

  (文/吕铁雄; 英语辅导报高中教师版 04~05学年度第9期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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