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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/02 15:35  英语辅导报

  Word Guessing and IQ Test 解析①




  Part V Word Guessing and IQ Test (5 minutes, 10 points)

  Section A Word Guessing (5 points)

  91. The first responsibility of an elected official is to listen to the voice of his or her constituency because they are the people who are affected by his or her political decisions.

  A. team of politicians

  B. body of voters

  C. group of supporters

  D. assemblage of objectors

  92. Each year the university presents a colloquy for the study of important social issues; many important leaders of our country have spoken here in the past.

  A. series of speeches

  B. number of tests

  C. collection of books

  D. variety of experiments

  93. If you spend an hour or more looking up at the sky at night, you can usually see the trajectory of a "shooting star" as it moves across the dark space.

  A. direction B. motion

  C. path D. display

  94. Jim earns the same as I yet he seems to be pretty well off. He splurged on an expensive holiday last month, and now he can't make ends meet.

  A. spent wastefully

  B. enjoyed himself

  C. managed to go

  D. lost a lot of money

  95. I want to see as much of the world as possible but I want to get off the beaten track and away from the rat race of city life. I plan to visit the outback of Australia first.

  A. tropical regions

  B. mysterious places

  C. coastal areas

  D. remote areas


  91. B.本题根据上下文便能猜到constituency一词的意思。当选官员的第一项责任就是要听取那些受其决策影响的人的意见。当然这些人就是选举他或她的"选民"(body of voters)。

  92. A.本题中第二个分句是对前面的内容的一个解释,从这一解释中我们就可以猜测出colloquy一词的意义。第2个分句讲,我们国家的许多官员过去都在这做过演说,据此猜测,每年大学为研究重要的社会问题所举办的自然是series of speeches(系列讲演)。

  93. C.可以根据常识猜测出本题trajectory的词义。晚间了望天空,可以看到流星划过夜空的什么呢?当然是流星的"轨迹";本题另一个关键是要知道shooting star意为"流星",这样就能猜出trajectory of a "shooting star" 就是path of a "shooting star" 。

  94. A.可以根据splurged所在的上下文来猜测词义。其上文是背景,Jim赚钱与我一样多,但似乎比我富裕。后文又说他度过昂贵的假日后,收不抵支了,所以他假日过得很铺张。故splurged 是spent wastefully 的意思。另外成语make ends meet是"收支相抵"的意思。

  95. D.根据对outback一词的解释猜测词义。不过本题中对词义的解释不是在该词的后面,而是在该词的前面,即本题的前面句子从反面解释了outback一词。这个地方是off the beaten track(离开通衢大道),而且away from the rat race of city life(远离城市的尔虞我诈的竞争生活),那么这儿自然是一个边远偏僻的地区(remote areas)。

  (文/李树德 英语辅导报大学教师版04~05学年第7期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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