外国谚语集锦 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 16:22 点点英语 |
事业篇--排难 1。Business dripping wears away the stone. 滴水穿石。 2。Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. 与其遇上不认识的新鬼,不如遇到认识的老鬼。 [注] 寓意:未知的艰险比已知的艰险更令人害怕。 3。If at the first you don't succeed,try,try,try again. 如果开头失利,还须继续努力。 4。Little by little and bit by bit. 滴水能汇大川,块砖能起高墙。 5。Little strokes fell great oaks. 小斧不停大树倒。 6。Rome was mot built in a day. 罗马建成非朝夕之功。 7。Don't strain your bow to the breaking-point. 不要把弓拉到极点。 [注] 说的是:凡事都要有限度。 8。Everything must have a beginning. 万事皆有开端。 [注] 每件事的开始阶段都是微不足道的,这句话用来鼓励事业进展不快的人。 9。The first blow is half the battle. 良好的开端是取胜的重要条件。 10。He sho rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 骑虎难下。 11。It's easier to pull down than build. 拆毁容易建造难。 [注] 破坏易于创造,品头论足容易,提出建设性建议难。 12。Many hands make light work. 人多好办事。 [注] 类似于中谚:众人拾柴火焰高。 相反的谚语有:Too many cooks spoilt the broth. 厨师多了煮坏汤。 13。Ninety per cent of inspiration is perspiration. 灵感有百分之九十是汗水。 14。Nothing seek,nothing find. 无所追求则无所收获。 15。Paddle your own canoe. 自己的小船自己划。(要自力更生。) 16。The firm purpose is equal to the deed. 坚定的信念就是成功的行动。 17。Never make two bites of a cherry. 樱桃原本小,何必两口咬。 [注] 这是告诫人,工作一次能做完,就不要分两次做。 18。Fire and water are good servants,but bad masters. 受控的水火是衷仆,失控的水火是祸主。 19。Forewarned is forearmed. 预先得到警报就能预先做好准备。(凡事预则立。) 20。Man cannot live on bread alone. 人不能只靠面包生存。 |
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