住在郊区的人使用手机更易罹患脑瘤 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/19 11:53 国际在线 |
Mobile phones could pose a higher health risk to rural dwellers because they emit more intense signals in the countryside, Swedish scientists said on Tuesday. Base stations tend to be further apart in more remote areas so the phones compensate with stronger signals. "We found that the risk of brain tumour was higher for people living in rural areas than in towns," said Professor Lennart Hardell, of University Hospital in Orebro, Sweden. "The stronger the signal, the higher the risk," he told Reuters. Use of mobiles has increased rapidly worldwide but there has been no hard evidence that the technology causes health problems ranging from headaches to brain tumours. Some researchers have suggested that radio frequency fields could interfere with biological systems. Health officials have urged the public to limit mobile phone use or to use hands-free devices. Hardell and his colleagues, who studied 1,429 people with malignant and benign brain tumours and 1,470 healthy controls living in the centre of Sweden, said the health risks may not be evident until someone has used a mobile for 10 years or more. Their research is published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The scientists found that rural dwellers who had been using a mobile phone for more than three years were three times more likely to be diagnosed with a brain tumour than city dwellers. The risk quadrupled after more than five years of use. The researchers questioned both groups about how often they used their mobile phones and for how long. They also looked at whether they lived in the countryside or in towns. Their findings were adjusted for other environmental factors that might increase the risk of brain tumours. |
住在郊区的人使用手机更易罹患脑瘤 |
瑞典科学家5月17日表示,在位置相对偏僻的地方,手机发射基站间的距离会更远,手机需要发出更强的电磁波来维持正常通话状态。所以那些居住在郊外的人在使用手机时面临的健康风险也就更大。 据英国《每日邮报》5月17日报道,瑞典奥莱布罗医科大学的伦纳特-哈德尔教授表示:“我们发现住在郊区的人患脑瘤的危险较之居住在市区的人要更高一些”,“手机信号越强,危险性也就越高”。 在研究过程中,哈德尔及其同事们选择了1429名居住在瑞典中部地区的良性及恶性脑瘤患者作为研究对象,同时在该地区又对1470位身体健康的人进行研究以资对照,他们表示当一个人使用手机的时间不足10年时,其在健康方面所遭受的风险可能并不明显。 研究者向被测群体询问了他们使用手机的频率及时间长短。他们还调查了被测者的居住地点是位于城里还是在郊外。 研究者发现,那些住在郊外且使用手机的时间超过3年的人其患上脑瘤的概率是住在市区的人们的3倍。而如果“郊区人”使用手机的时间大于5年的话,则此种风险将会是“城里人”的4倍。 他们的研究结论还综合考虑了可能增加人们患脑瘤风险的其它多种环境因素。对此,哈德尔表示:“我们仍然无法排除在郊外或许还有其它未知因素会增大使人患脑瘤的危险,但我们一直试着在已知的范围内尽可能地使研究结论更为准确”。他同时表示该研究所涉及的规模较小且研究结论还需要经过反复验证。 目前,手机在世界范围内的普及率正迅速提高,但一直没有确凿的证据能够表明这种通讯技术可以导致小到头痛大到脑瘤的一系列健康问题。一些研究人员曾提出无线电波会对人体的各种生理系统产生干扰。卫生部门的官员们也曾主张减少使用手机的次数或是在打手机时使用免提装置来降低手机对人体的危害。(文/李咏) |
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