

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年09月27日 10:44   沪江英语

  No matter where you fall on the corporate totem pole, a salary increase is something cherished by all. Most, dare I say all, companies have a systematic way of assessing an employee's overall performance. Sometimes it's objective, sometimes it's corporate politics, and sometimes it's frankly about who brown-nosed the best. While you can somewhat determine your fate in all of these areas, the one area you are in clear control of is your performance.


  Performance is a lot more than coming to an office everyday and doing 'stuff'. In today's ultra-competitive and global economy, people that skate by are expendable and easily replaced. So how do we take that and turn it around? How do we create a unique value that our bosses are willing to pay for? No, the answer is not to play sycophant and brown-nose. While that may get you a free lunch, it won't be the long term approach you'll want to base a career on. Instead, consider the six ways I am about to mention.


  By the way, I have received two successful promotions in the past using these methods and I think these could work for you too. And yes, contrary to the tempting title, these may not be secrets but these are things that tend to be forgotten in the daily minutia you face. If you already know about them, consider this post as a reminder to follow them in your job.


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