2008年09月27日 10:44 沪江英语
No matter where you fall on the corporate totem pole, a salary increase is something cherished by all. Most, dare I say all, companies have a systematic way of assessing an employee's overall performance. Sometimes it's objective, sometimes it's corporate politics, and sometimes it's frankly about who brown-nosed the best. While you can somewhat determine your fate in all of these areas, the one area you are in clear control of is your performance. 无论你是来自于社会的哪个阶级,工资的增长是每个人所向往的。我敢说大多数公司都有一套系统化的方法来评估职员的全面表现。有时,这些评估是很客观的,而有时候是有偏见或者更直接的说谁最会拍马屁谁就能加薪。然而在这些范围内你还是能决定你的命运的,就是在你完全你掌握的你的表现的范围呢。 Performance is a lot more than coming to an office everyday and doing 'stuff'. In today's ultra-competitive and global economy, people that skate by are expendable and easily replaced. So how do we take that and turn it around? How do we create a unique value that our bosses are willing to pay for? No, the answer is not to play sycophant and brown-nose. While that may get you a free lunch, it won't be the long term approach you'll want to base a career on. Instead, consider the six ways I am about to mention. 表现比每天去办公室做相同的工作更加重要。如今全球经济竞争激烈,那些不圆滑的人会被辞退或者被接替。所以我们该怎么对待这种情况,怎么扭转局面呢?我们该怎么创造能让我们老板心甘情愿付工资的特殊才能呢?不,答案肯定不是拍马屁或者奉承。尽管阿谀奉承能使你得到短期的利益,但是这绝对不会是你想要能作为长期职业的方法。所以,还是考虑下我接着要提的6个方法吧。 By the way, I have received two successful promotions in the past using these methods and I think these could work for you too. And yes, contrary to the tempting title, these may not be secrets but these are things that tend to be forgotten in the daily minutia you face. If you already know about them, consider this post as a reminder to follow them in your job. 顺便说一下,以前我用这些方法成功的升过2次职,我认为这个对你应该也有用的。还有,和那些诱人的标题比起来,这个看上去可能没有什么神秘感但是这些方法是在日常生活中在面对的时候忘记的。如果你已经决定想要了解这些,那把这份报道当作提示然后在工作时照着做哦。
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