2008年09月27日 10:44 沪江英语
Perform 完成任务 That's the bottom line and blatant truth. If you don't perform, sooner or later you'll be fired. Until that happens, you will wallow in mediocrity. It's not that performance is the only thing securing your job or that good performers can't be fired but it is certainly the most important thing when it comes to retaining your and advancing in the company. 这个是底线同时也是最有力的事实。如果你不完成任务,你迟早会被解雇。等到那个时候,你将会变得平庸。但是完成任务并不一定能保住你的工作,或者说表现良好的人不会被炒鱿鱼,但是这个是在公司中你能保住职位和获得晋升的最重要的事情。 Understand your job well and learn to perform. Hard work and smart work, both are needed for the purpose. Decide the right direction and work in that direction to achieve your goal. You can easily become one of the best performers out there if you've got the willingness to do it. 先要很好的了解你的工作,然后学着去表现自己。要达到这个目的必须要努力加灵活的工作。选择正确的方向,然后朝那个方向努力实现你的目标。如果你有这个决心的话,那你很容易就可以成为那里最好的员工之一。
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