2008年10月24日 10:20 新浪教育
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the ugliest of us all? 镜子啊镜子,墙上的镜子,谁是我们当中最丑的一个? Wall-to-wall mirrors in gyms and dance studios might stop women getting the exercise they need because women who work out in front of a mirror get discouraged and feel tired, Canadian researchers said. 健身房和舞蹈房内四周的镜子可能会妨碍妇女们得到她们所需要的锻炼,因为当她们面对镜子锻炼身体时,会感到灰心丧气,精疲力竭。这是加拿大研究人员作出的结论。 The study, published in the journal Health Psychology, focused on young women who exercised less than 15 minutes a week. It found that, regardless of how they viewed their bodies, women who worked out in front of a mirror felt worse, or no better, and less at peace after 20 minutes of activity. 该论文发表在《健康心理学》杂志上,主要研究对象是每周锻炼时间不足15分钟的妇女。经研究发现,无论她们如何看待自己的体形,在镜子前进行锻炼的妇女会感觉更糟或者不好,锻炼20分钟过后,她们就感觉不那么心平气和。 "The mirrors make women more self-aware, they think of their shortcomings. Things like: 'I look fat, I should be more active'," said Kathleen Martin Ginis, lead author of the study, and a professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario."When women are more introspective, they might feel 'I'm not that great' unfortunately." 该论文的主要作者,安大略州汉弥顿市麦克马司特大学的教授凯瑟琳·马丁·吉尼说:“镜子使女人更有自知之明,让她们想起自己的短处,比如‘我看上去很胖,我应该多运动’。当妇女变得更加自省的时候,她们可能会很遗憾地认为‘我没有那么好’。” The survey questioned 58 women with an average age of 22--young enough to be concerned about body image. 此项调查询问了58位女性,她们的平均年龄为22岁——正是关心体形的年纪。
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