2008年11月26日 13:16 新浪教育
2. Tips for Power Walking 1. Walk at a brisk pace so that you begin to break a sweat. (First 10 minutes) 2. Increase your stride length. (Second 10 minutes) 3. Do walking sprints for one minute and then ease down to a comfortable pace for the next minute, alternating between high and low intensity. (Third 10 minutes) 劲走的诀窍是: 1. ( 开始的十分钟 ):轻快的走路,好让你开始流汗。 2. ( 紧接的十分钟 ):加大你的步伐。 3. ( 最后的十分钟 ):快走一分钟,接下来的一分钟,把步伐放慢到比较舒服的速度,两者不断地交替。 3. 把腿伸出去:to extend your leg 往前弯 : to bend forward 把腿放在板凳上:to prop your leg up on the bench 换另一边: to switch to the other side 蹲:to squat 做三组,一组8到12次。 Perform/Do three sets of 8 to 12 reps. rep:重复 ( repetition的缩写 )
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