2009年01月06日 09:47 沪江英语
![]() 白羊座
This current transit indicates you need to step to the front & take on a greater leadership role or position in your career/workplace areas of your life. I'm not talkin' about barking out orders to others... I mean personally taking charge & making sure the "job is getting done" as efficiently & professionally as possible. Get things moving & on-track now... If you wait too long, you might find that it can become "too late". 现在的位置显示,你需要勇步上前,在工作中发挥领导才能。这不是说你要狠狠地向别人发号施令,是说你要亲身负责,保证工作顺利完成。现在你需要保持事情都在正常的发展轨道上,如果你停滞太久,你就会发现挽回局面为时已晚。 ![]() 金牛座
Your current chart energy is solid, but you need to take on more of personal control of the situation. There's a tendency to want others to "do the work"... But this is one time when you need to handle things yourself with your own sense of creativity & imagination. Others just don't have the creative vision you have at the moment... So you need to set the wheels into motion yourself. Get busy! 你现在的命盘能量稳定,但是你需要对现有局面增加操控能力。你可能想靠别人去做什么事,但是这段时间你最好能够自己亲身去做,发挥你的想象力和创造力。别人现在都没有你更富有这种创造力。你需要的就是行动起来,行动!
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