2009年01月06日 09:47 沪江英语
![]() 双子座
Your chart energy is all about looking ahead & doing what's necessary to ensure your future financial & perhaps more importantly emotional needs will be met in the future. The real question here is "what truly makes you happy?"... That's what you need to answer at this time because that's where you need to direct your attention & efforts towards. Release the emotional baggage & attachments to the past... Move boldly into your brightest future. 这周的命盘要求你放眼未来,为保障自己将来的经济需求以及更多的情感需求做准备。真正面临的问题是:究竟什么是你幸福的来源?这是你现在需要回答的问题,因为你需要向着这一方向调整你的精力和行动。放下旧日的情绪包袱,勇敢地奔向光明的未来吧! ![]() 巨蟹座
At this point in your life, it's all about being able to communicate as effectively as possible... It's like being able to "state your case" and allow others to deal with it as they must. It's time for you to take charge of your life & the direction you're traveling for. Cardinal signs were born to lead & that's what you must do... Leading yourself to abundance is the hardest part. 你人生的这一刻最最需要最最有效的就是沟通。你需要向别人阐释现在面临的问题,然后让他们来处理。这段时间你需要对你的人生、对你的目标负起责任。主宫星座是天生的领导者,这就是你必须要做的事情。充分领导自己,才是你面临的最难的部分。
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