2009年02月09日 16:14 沪江英语
![]() 天秤座
天秤座 9.23-10.22 There are times when you just need to kick back and totally enjoy yourself and those you love & care about the most。.. This is one of those special weeks。.. This energy brings out the absolute best of your personality & warmth。.. It causes others to want to get up close & personal with you, therefore making it a great time for any romantic activities. Others will look to you for leadership or as a role model. 这段时间你需要放松,做自己想做的事情。这一周很特殊,星座突出了你的人格魅力,使得别人都想和你亲近。因此,这段时间非常适合浪漫约会。别人会把你当作领导或者模范。 ![]() 天蝎座
蝎子座 10.23-11.21 This week's chart fills you with that warm & fuzzy qualities of sentimental memories。.. It adds the overall depth & intensity of your personal feelings too。.. This in itself is a terrific thing, but the current chart energy requires you to summon the strength within to release the elements of the past that are holding you back from becoming what you've been created to become. You need to look more towards your future & destiny. 这一周你充满着温暖而模糊的情感记忆,这使得你的个人感知也变得更加深邃。这一周你需要集中力量抛弃旧日的束缚,努力成为你要成为的样子。你需要向前看,看到自己的命运和未来。
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